Research support

Schedule a visit
All the material held at the Archives and Special Collections, including archival fonds and collections, rare books and manuscripts, and all other special collections are non-circulating and must be consulted onsite.
The reading room of the Archives and Special Collections is located on the concourse level of the Morisset Library building, room 039. Typically, it is open Monday to Friday, 9am to 4:30 pm during the academic year, and 9am to 4pm from June to August.
You can schedule a visit by contacting [email protected] or calling 613 562 5910, or you are welcome to drop in during opening hours.
If you have already identified the material you would like to consult, we invite you to send us a completed consultation form in advance to [email protected] so we can prepare the documents ahead of your visit.

Talk to an Archivist
Not sure where to start or how to find what you are looking for? An archivist may be able to help point you in the right direction. You can email us at [email protected] or call 613-562-5910 for research help.

Understanding Access – Privacy and Copyright
‘Open’ records are those records that are available to the public and can be accessed and used under the Fair Use Exemption of the Copyright Act.
For example, if you are a student and wish to use ‘open’ materials as part of your coursework including presentations, you are welcome to do so if you properly cite the source.
For more information on Fair Use, visit the Copyright Office or see the section on our website regarding Publication and Copyright.
‘Restricted’ records are those which contain sensitive and private information. In addition to our legal requirements under the Ontario Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, out of respect for the privacy and dignity of creators, and any other participants (those who are included in the records), there may be complete or partial restrictions placed on files or items. It is important to note that some restrictions have been placed on the records by donors and/or participants.
More information about specific restrictions can be found at the file or item level in our archives database or by contacting ARCS staff at [email protected]

Guide to Primary Sources and Archival Research (LibGuide)
If you want to learn about how to do archival research, how archives are organized, how to cite and how to handle original material, check out our research guide.

Triggering content and immediate support
Archives and Special Collections strives to do its best to make the space we occupy in-person and online safe for our researchers.
Find more information about Triggering content and immediate support

Reading Room Rules
Researchers are reminded that they are working with historical records, which are unique and often very fragile. These rules outline your responsibilities as a researcher to help us preserve our holdings. If you require accommodations, our staff will be happy to assist you.
- All visitors must register before consulting records. You will be asked to complete a Consultation Form.
- Personal belongings including bags, briefcases, purses, backpacks, folders, should be placed in the available lockers or stowed under the table.
- Umbrellas, and outerwear such as overcoats and raincoats must be hung on the hooks at the front.
- Wallets, research notes, personal computers, cell phones, small digital cameras and personal dictation or recording machines may be kept on the research tables.
- As a courtesy to other researchers, please turn your cell phone to “vibrate” and take any calls outside of the Reading Room.
- Video recording is not permitted in the Reading Room without prior consent of the ARCS manager.
- Eating and drinking are prohibited in the Reading Room except for water in a secure and closed-lid container.
- We ask that you wash your hands before handling records. Sinks are available in washrooms located on the lower level of Morisset Library directly across from ARCS. Gender neutral washrooms are located in the Student Centre.
- Please use pencils only. No pens allowed.
- lease follow any special instructions given by the Archivist.
- Do not place personal computers on top of records.
- Material should be placed back in the same order in which it was found.
- ARCS material MUST NOT be removed from the Reading Room.
- We reserve the right to inspect folders before you leave the Reading Room