Reproduction services

Scan on Demand
Scanning services/photocopying may be available for archival material and special collections (books) under certain terms and conditions.
We can scan a PDF file for text-based documents. High resolution scans for photographs are also available with standard specification as TIFF file at 600 ppi RGB but can be adjusted as needed.
Please contact us at [email protected] with your request or for more information.

You may take photographs of the material using your personal device in keeping with the terms and conditions. No flash please!

Images taken with personal devices are free of charge. A minimum fee of $10 will be applied for scanning requests. Fees may be waved at the discretion of the Head of Archives and Special Collections. Payment with a valid credit card is required.
The fee schedule is as follows (after the $10 minimum):
Legal/letter size - $0.30/page
PDF image - $0.20/page
High Resolution image scan - $10/image
Please note that documents that have been previously scanned and available in the Archives database can be downloaded free of charge directly from within the image viewer.