Open Educational Resources (OER) Grant Program - Winter 2022

The application window is now closed.

What are Open Educational Resources (OER)?

OER are teaching and learning materials that are freely and openly available. They can be text documents, audio, video, multimedia, tests, software, learning objects or any other tool used for learning and teaching. They are affordable for students, making education more accessible, and can be customized or adapted to local contexts, providing a richer teaching and learning opportunity. Find out more about OER.

Physics textbook


The University of Ottawa Library will award up to $5,000 to support the use of open textbooks and other OER materials in courses at the University of Ottawa. The type of activities covered by this grant are:

  • Adapting and/or translating an existing OER
  • Creating a new OER

Recipients will be announced on March 11, 2022 during Open Education Week.


Members of the APUO, the APTPUO, and staff with instruction-related activities can submit a proposal.

Student-led projects are also eligible. In that case, proposals must be submitted by a faculty sponsor (APUO or APTPUO member) who is supporting the project.

Eligible expenses and conditions

The grant may be used to pay students or professionals for research, writing, editing, translation, graphic design, and audio or video recording services.

Proposals must describe how the requested funds will be used and justify each expense in the projected budget, as well as provide a brief job description of all salaried positions. Funding will only be granted for specific approved expenses, and supporting documentation/receipts should be retained by grant recipients upon making use of funds.

Funds will be made available no later than April 15, 2022, and should be used by grant recipients by April 30, 2023. Upon completion of the project or on May 1, 2023, whichever is earlier, any unspent portion of the grant funds will be reverted to the University of Ottawa Library.

Evaluation criteria

The following types of projects are especially encouraged:

  1. French-language OER (as per Transformation 2030 - More Connected - Objective 2 and Objective 3 of the Library’s Strategic Plan)
  2. OER to be used in a high-enrolment course
  3. OER that can be used in multiple courses

Download the evaluation rubric.

Expectations of grant recipients

  • In keeping with the principle of openness central to OER, they will make the resulting resource available under a Creative Commons licence that allows adaptations
  • Present their project at a future open education event organized by the University of Ottawa Library in 2022-2023
  • Financial accountability for responsible management of grant funds, including submitting supporting documentation/receipts upon request, and return of any unspent grant amounts upon completion of the project or on May 1, 2023, whichever is earlier
  • Submit a project status report by November 1, 2022 and a final report by June 1, 2023 (a template will be provided).

Selection process

Proposals will be reviewed by a selection committee composed of:

  • One representative from the Library
  • One representative from the Teaching and Learning Support Service (TLSS)
  • One faculty member
  • One member of the OER Grant Program committee

Acknowledgement and licensing

All materials created with the support of this grant must be licensed under a Creative Commons licence allowing adaptations and indicate that they were funded by a University of Ottawa Library OER Grant.

Additional non-financial support from the Library

The Library can assist grant recipient(s) with finding existing OER, copyright compliance and Creative Commons licensing, using the Pressbooks authoring platform or H5P interactive elements, and making the resulting resource discoverable at uOttawa and beyond. Recipient(s) can also turn to the Teaching and Learning Support Service to consult with an instructional designer.


Deadline to submit proposals: Friday, February 18, 2022 at 12 p.m. (noon)  THE APPLICATION WINDOW IS NOW CLOSED

Complete the online application form.

Questions? Email [email protected]

OER grant program documentation adapted from:

Ryerson University Library and Archives Open Educational Resources (OER) Grants (with permission from Ann Ludbrook)

University of Alberta Centre for Teaching and Learning University of Alberta OER Grants (with permission from Krysta McNutt)

University of Ottawa Library Open Scholarship Award (under CC BY 4.0)

University of Ottawa Teaching and Learning Support Service Special Funding - Fall 2019

Content on this page is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International licence.

CC license
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