The uOttawa Metabolomics Core Facility (MCF) is part of the Metabolomics Innovation Resource of the Goodman Cancer Research Centre (GCRC), the University of Ottawa and the Van Andel Research Institute (VARI), known collectively as MIRGOV.

Acknowledgement and authorship

For routine studies with our pre-developed methods, please make sure to acknowledge the uOttawa Metabolomics Core Facility in your publications.

For works requiring extensive method development or non-routine analysis, please include all appropriate MCF members as co-authors in your publications.

Contact us

Metabolomics Core Facility

Shipping address:
Attn: Shama Naz
Metabolomics Core Facility
University of Ottawa
Roger Guindon Hall
451 Smyth Road, Room 1129/1130
Ottawa ON  K1H 8M5

Shama Naz, PhD

Manager, Metabolomics Core Facility
Office: RGN 4108; Core facility: RGN 4520; Lab: RGN 4210B
Phone: 613-562-5800 ext. 8018
[email protected]

Mireille Khacho, PhD

Associate Professor, Department of Biochemistry, Microbiology and Immunology
Director, Metabolomics Core Facility
[email protected]