A quote will be provided prior to beginning the work. A FOAP is required for payment of the final invoice via journal entry.
Minimum charge of 1 hour or 1 run.
Service Option | Description of Service (all services include technologist time) | Service Unit | Cost/Unit (CDN) |
1 | SEM imaging Raith Pioneer or GeminiSEM 500 | Hour | $40 |
2 | Electron beam lithography, Raith Pioneer | Run | To be negotiated |
3 | Chambered sample processing ex. Etching, Rapid Thermal Annealing System Includes process gases | Hour | $40 |
4 | Metal deposition using Angstrom Nexdep Evaporator Includes common metals (precious metals - $1.90/nm) | Run | $100 |
5 | Wet processing ex. Glovebox, Etching. Includes common consumables | Hour | $40 |
6 | Metrology work ex. AFM, Ellipsometer, Metricon, Profilometer | Hour | $40 |
7 | Photolithography work ex. Mask Aligner, resist processing | Hour | $40 |
8 | Post-processing and sample preparation ex. Wire bonding, Solder reflow, Sputtering Includes common metals (precious metals - $1.90/nm) | Hour | $40 |
9 | Ga ion beam milling for cross section imaging and/or He ion beam microscopy, ORION Nanofab | Hour | $80 |
10 | Ga or He ion beam milling for nanofabrication, ORION Nanofab | Run | To be negotiated |