Frequently asked questions relating to the Tritium Laboratory at the André E. Lalonde AMS Laboratory.

Tritium Laboratory frequently asked questions

Sampling for tritium is actually very easy and simple. Whether you’re pumping your water up from a well, taking it from the tap, or sampling from a lake, simply fill your plastic bottle with the required amount, cap it off, and label your bottle clearly. Please DO NOT label directly on the plastic bottle, use tape or a label. Bottles often move and rub during shipping and the writing can be obfuscated. Please DO NOT use glass bottles, they are not necessary for tritium sampling and run the risk of breaking during shipping.

If your samples are particularly dirty (sediment, particles, etc), we ask that you filter the water if possible. No chemicals or preservatives are necessary, neither is any refrigeration. If you have an approximate idea of the salinity of the water, please include that on your sample submission form.

We have a variety of pre-treatment techniques (both chemical and physical) for the purification of samples prior to direct counting or enrichment. Please contact us if your samples contain potentially hazardous chemicals.

Depending on the sample type, we are equipped to measure total alpha/beta/gamma activities in samples. Please contact us regarding this service.

Yes, depending on activity levels, oxygen combustion converts the sample into water for liquid scintillation counting. Otherwise, T-3He ingrowth would be suitable for very low-level activities or when limited and small sample size is a concern.

Yes, however it is typically reserved for unique sample types and high activities. Please contact us if you think your tritium samples require analysis via AMS.