In the media
An archive of all Positive Energy mentions in the media.
Spears: Environment Canada dangerously optimistic on climate change action
The Ottawa Citizen article, written by Tom Spears, quoting Dr. Monica Gattinger, Chair of Positive Energy and Director of the ISSP, uOttawa.
US, Canadian Leaders Discuss Affordability of Energy
The RTO Insider LLC article, written by Jon Lamson, quoting Dr. Monica Gattinger, Chair of Positive Energy and Director of the ISSP, uOttawa.
Canada caught between climate obligations and dissent at home
The Corporate Knights article, written by Shawn McCarthy, quoting Dr. Monica Gattinger, Chair of Positive Energy and Director of the ISSP, uOttawa.
Canadians desire to electrify more of their energy needs is on the decline: National Survey
The Morning News article quoting Dr. Monica Gattinger, Chair of Positive Energy and Director of the ISSP, uOttawa.
The National Post article, written by Stephanie Taylor, quoting Dr. Monica Gattinger, Chair of Positive Energy and Director of the ISSP, uOttawa.
Data Dive with Nik Nanos: Are Canadians willing to help the transition to a greener, cleaner world?
The Globe and Mail article, written by Nik Nanos, Chair and CEO, Nanos Research.
Policy System Overload: Federal Budget Underscores Challenges Of Implementing Climate Policies
The Daily Oil Bulletin Energy article written by Dr. Monica Gattinger, Chair of Positive Energy and Director of the ISSP, uOttawa.
Increased number of Canadians see oil and gaz as important to economy: survey
An article by the Daily Oil Bulletin discussing the results of the Fall 2023 Public Opinion by Positive Energy and Nik Nanos.
Developing a vision for Canada's Energy Future
Interview of Nik Nanos on CTV News discussing the results of the Fall 2023 Public Opinion Survey Results with Positive Energy.
Governments more ambitious than Canadians on electrification
An article by Prof. Monica Gattinger, Director, ISSP and Chair, Positive Energy, and Nik Nanos CEO, Nanos Research, for the Daily Oil Bulletin.
An article by Prof. Monica Gattinger, Director, ISSP and Chair, Positive Energy, for the Daily Oil Bulletin.
An article by Prof. Monica Gattinger, Director, ISSP and Chair, Positive Energy, for the Daily Oil Bulletin.
How Major Projects Offices Can Improve Co-Ordination, Investor Confidence - Daily Oil Bulletin
Interview with Prof. Monica Gattinger, Director, ISSP and Chair, Positive Energy, for The Globe and Mail.
Varcoe: How can Canada get major projects built? Ditch bill C-69, say Prairie provinces
Prof. Monica Gattinger, Director, ISSP and Chair, Positive Energy, quoted in article in the Calgary Herald.
An article by Prof. Monica Gattinger, Director, ISSP and Chair, Positive Energy, in the Daily Oil Bulletin.
Positive Energy in a Polarized World
ThinkEnergy Podcast by Hydro Ottawa, featuring Prof. Monica Gattinger, Director, ISSP and Chair, Positive Energy, as a guest.
An article by Prof. Monica Gattinger, Director, ISSP and Chair, Positive Energy, in the Daily Oil Bulletin.
Additional media coverage from the 2022 Positive Energy Conference:
Survey: Energy Security Views Steady, Affordability Concerns Exceed Expectations - Daily Oil Bulletin
Prof. Monica Gattinger, Director, ISSP and Chair, Positive Energy, quoted in article in the Calgary Herald.
Government of Ontario’s Electrification and Energy Transition Panel
Appointed Prof. Monica Gattinger, Director, ISSP and Chair, Positive Energy, to the Government of Ontario’s Electrification and Energy Transition Panel.
Public Policy Forum’s Energy Regulator Dialogue series
Series featuring Prof. Monica Gattinger, Director, ISSP and Chair, Positive Energy, as a speaker.
Association of Consulting Engineering Companies National Leadership conference
Conference featuring Prof. Monica Gattinger, Director, ISSP and Chair, Positive Energy, as a speaker.
Electricity Canada’s Powering Partnerships Summit 2022
Panel featuring Prof. Monica Gattinger, Director, ISSP and Chair, Positive Energy, as a speaker.
Energy security and climate: what do Canadians think?
Op-ed written by Prof. Monica Gattinger, Director, ISSP and Chair, Positive Energy, and Nik Nanos, CEO, Nanos Research, for The Hill Times.
21st Century Energy Transition: how do we make it work?
Open Online Course taught by Prof. Monica Gattinger, Director, ISSP and Chair, Positive Energy, for the Canadian Society for Evolving Energy.
Appointed Prof. Monica Gattinger, Director, ISSP and Chair, Positive Energy, to the Governing Body of the Exhibition & Conference.
Additional media coverage from the 2022 Positive Energy Conference
Regulators: Disrupted by change or disruptors bringing change? (link to PDF)
Column written by David Mortion, and Prof. Monica Gattinger, Director, ISSP and Chair, Positive Energy, for the ICER Chronicle Edition 12.
Data Dive with Nik Nanos: The world needs Canadian energy
Article written by Nik Nanos, CEO, Nanos Research, for The Globe and Mail.
Media coverage from the 2022 Positive Energy Conference
- Minister Nally On Hydrogen: Look Beyond Colour - Daily Oil Bulletin
- Honest Talk: Canadians Need To Hear The Truth About What Climate Action Actually Means - Daily Oil Bulletin
International case studies and the need for a national regulatory task force
Interview with Prof. Monica Gattinger, Director, ISSP and Chair, Positive Energy, and Michael Cleland, Executive-in-Residence, for the Electricity Canada Podcast.
Canada-US Relations, Energy Security and the Road to Net Zero by 2050 (link to PDF)
Article written by Prof. Monica Gattinger, Director, ISSP and Chair, Positive Energy for University of Michigan Ford School of Public Policy’s North American Climate Policy Series.
The War in Ukraine and Global Energy Security: Will it Unite or Divide Canadians?
Intelligence Memo written by Prof. Monica Gattinger, Director, ISSP and Chair, Positive Energy for C.D. Howe Institute.
Article written by Prof. Monica Gattinger, Director, ISSP and Chair, Positive Energy, and Nik Nanos, CEO, Nanos Research, for the Hill Times.
Ottawa’s Emissions Reductions Plan Missing Key Ingredients For Success
Article written by Prof. Monica Gattinger, Director, ISSP and Chair, Positive Energy, for the Daily Oil Bulletin.
Will Energy Security Unite Or Divide Canadians?
Op-ed written by Prof. Monica Gattinger, Director, ISSP and Chair, Positive Energy, for the Daily Oil Bulletin.
Key Takeaways from our “Corporate Climate Change” Panel Discussion
Panel featuring Prof. Monica Gattinger, Director, ISSP and Chair, Positive Energy, Susannah Pierce, CEO, Shell Canada, and Minister Wilkinson Claire Seaborn, Chief of Staff, NRCan, for McCarthy Tétrault.
Overcoming Consensus-Building Barriers: Report Studies Polarization Of Energy/Climate Issues
Article featuring Brendan Frank, Positive Energy Interim Research Director, for the Daily Oil Bulletin.
On Canada’s precarious climate politics
Op-ed written by Brendan Frank, Positive Energy Interim Research Director, for Canada's National Observer
Positive Energy and Public Confidence in Decision Making
Podcast interview with Prof. Monica Gattinger, Director, ISSP and Chair, Positive Energy, for the Canadian Electricity Association's podcast, Flux Capacitor
On energy and climate, politics is the problem
Article written by Nik Nanos, CEO, Nanos Research, and Brendan Frank, Positive Energy Interim Research Director, for Maclean's Magazine.
Canada Needs to Move From the What to the How on Energy Climate
Article by Prof. Monica Gattinger, Director, ISSP and Chair, Positive Energy, on the new issue of the Canadian Science Policy Magazine.
Pursuing Canada’s COP commitments requires changing how energy decisions are made
Op-ed by Michael Cleland, Senior Fellow, Positive Energy and Prof. Monica Gattinger, Chair, Positive Energy and Director, ISSP, for Policy Options.
Ottawa’s Oil And Gas Emissions Cap — Time For A Deal With Producing Provinces?
Column written by Monica Gattinger, Director, ISSP and Chair, Positive Energy, for The Daily Oil Bulletin.
In this episode of Canadian Global Affairs Institute The Global Exchange Podcast, Colin Robertson speaks to Dr. Monica Gattinger, Director, ISSP and Chair, Positive Energy, uOttawa and the Honourable Jean Charest about COP26.
Le captage du carbone, bonne solution?
The Radio-Canada article, citing the Policy Options op-ed Tap into carbon capture’s potential by building public confidence by Patricia Larkin, Prof. Stephen Bird and Prof. Monica Gattinger, about the Positive Energy study Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage - Polarization, public confidence and decision-making
Prof. Monica Gattinger interview for the Global Energy Show
Interview with Prof. Monica Gattinger, Director, ISSP and Chair, Positive Energy, uOttawa, for the Global Energy Show.
Trudeau's COP26 speech could set table for cooperation with Alberta oil to reduce emissions
Interview by Markham Hislop of EnergiMedia with Monica Gattinger, Director, ISSP and Chair, Positive Energy, uOttawa.
As Trudeau touts oilpatch emissions cap, industry braces for impact
The Calgary Herald article, written by Chris Varcoe, quoting Prof. Monica Gattinger, Chair of Positive Energy and Director of the ISSP, uOttawa.
Cabinet Trudeau: Steven Guilbeault, de militant à ministre
The Journal de Quebec article, written by Raphaël Pirro, quoting Prof. Monica Gattinger, Chair of Positive Energy and Director of the ISSP, uOttawa.
Indigenous partnerships—the key to meeting Canada’s climate commitments?
Ope-ed by Tabatha Bull, Advisory Council Member, Positive Energy, uOttawa and President and CEO, Canadian Council for Aboriginal Business, for the Candian Institute for Climate Choices.
Five issues that will determine if Canada meets its climate commitments
Interview by Markham Hislop of EnergiMedia with Monica Gattinger, Director, ISSP and Chair, Positive Energy, uOttawa.
Canada : grand parleur, petit faiseur sur le plan climatique?
Interview with Jean-François Thibault of La parole énergetique, by Jean-Philippe Trottier of Radio VM, discussing Climate: From Commitments to Implementation, Mr. Thibault's interview with Monica Gattinger, Director, ISSP and Chair, Positive Energy, uOttawa
Canada At A Hinge Point On Energy And Climate: Five Recommendations For The New Federal Government
Column written by Monica Gattinger, Director, ISSP and Chair, Positive Energy, for The Daily Oil Bulletin.
Centre Of Excellence: Why Calgary Can Be Seen As Canada’s Cleantech And New Energy Core
The Daily Oil Bulletin article (1st in a series of 3 articles), written by Carter Haydu, quoting Prof. Monica Gattinger, Chair of Positive Energy and Director of the ISSP, uOttawa.
The urgency to act on climate is surging in Canada
Op-ed written by Monica Gattinger, Director, ISSP and Chair, Positive Energy, and Nik Nanos, CEO, Nanos Research, discussing the new Positive Energy survey results Urgency to act on climate change surging, but public confidence is weak, for Maclean's.
Energy And Climate In Party Platforms: Lots Of Plans, But Are They Implementable?
Column written by Monica Gattinger, Director, ISSP and Chair, Positive Energy, for The Daily Oil Bulletin.
Climate: From Commitments to Implementation
Interview by Jean-François Thibault of La parole énergétique with Monica Gattinger, Director, ISSP and Chair, Positive Energy, uOttawa
Broadening the analysis of Canadian parties' climate plans beyond economic modelling
Interview by Markham Hislop of EnergiMedia with Monica Gattinger, Director, ISSP and Chair, Positive Energy, uOttawa
Canadians Increasingly Want Climate Action But Have Little Confidence Canada Can Reduce Emissions
Column written by Monica Gattinger, Director, ISSP and Chair, Positive Energy, for The Daily Oil Bulletin.
Slim majority of Canadians open to paying more to help cut Canada’s emissions, poll shows
The Globe and Mail article, quoting Nik Nanos, Chair of the Positive Energy Advisory Council and CEO, Nanos Research, discussing the new Positive Energy, uOttawa and Nanos Research survey results Urgency to act on climate change surging, but public confidence is weak.
Ensuring Paris isn’t the next Copenhagen, Kyoto, or Rio
Op-ed written by Monica Gattinger, Director, ISSP and Chair, Positive Energy, uOttawa.
Collaborative Research Fosters Regulatory Excellence
Op-ed by Patricia Larkin, Senior Research Associate, discussing the Positive Energy, uOttawa report What Works? Identifying and scaling up successful innovations in Canadian energy regulatory decision-making for the ICER Chronicle, p.44.
Op-ed by Patricia Larkin, Senior Research Associate, discussing the upcoming Positive Energy, uOttawa report What Works? Identifying and scaling up successful innovations in Canadian energy regulatory decision-making for the Energy Quaterly Report.
Canadian energy conversation likely to change after IEA's Net-Zero by 2050 report
Interview by Markham Hislop of EnergiMedia with Monica Gattinger, Director, ISSP and Chair, Positive Energy, uOttawa
Energy Security Cubed: Balancing Climate Action & Energy Needs
Interview with Monica Gattinger, Director, ISSP and Chair, Positive Energy, uOttawa, for Energy Security Cubed, the Canadian Global Affairs Institute Podcast.
Monica Gattinger talks about Canada's Energy Security (YouTube link)
Interview with Monica Gattinger, Director, ISSP and Chair, Positive Energy, uOttawa, for the Rob Snow Show.
Is Canada ready to transition from oil/gas to electricity? (YouTube Link)
Interview by Markham Hislop of EnergiMedia with Monica Gattinger, Chair, Positive Energy, uOttawa
Canadian energy narrative headed in new direction thanks to oil sands Net-zero by 2050 plan
Interview by Markham Hislop of EnergiMedia with Monica Gattinger, Director, ISSP and Chair, Positive Energy, uOttawa
Canadians don't trust courts to settle energy, climate disputes
Interview by Markham Hislop with Nik Nanos, Chair of the Positive Energy Advisory Council and CEO, Nanos Research, discussing the new Positive Energy, uOttawa and Nanos Research survey results Level of trust in the courts to decide on disputes for energy projects and climate change disputes not strong.
The Le Droit article, written by Gérard Berubé, discussing the new Positive Energy, uOttawa and Nanos Research survey results Level of trust in the courts to decide on disputes for energy projects and climate change disputes not strong.
Duane Bratt on Federalism in Canada
Interview with Prof. Duane Bratt, Faculty Affiliate of Positive Energy, uOttawa, for The Shift with Shane Hewitt radio show, discussing the new Positive Energy report Energy-Environment Federalism in Canada: Finding a Path for the Future.
Positive Energy Survey Says: Canadians Maintain Climate Ambition
The Daily Oil Bulletin article, written by Carter Haydu, discussing the new Positive Energy, uOttawa and nanos Research survey results Climate ambition steady: Urgency to act now trending up
Federal budget the final piece of Ottawa’s climate policy
Column written by Monica Gattinger, Director, ISSP and Chair, Positive Energy, for The Daily Oil Bulletin.
The sense of urgency around climate change is trending up
Op-ed written by Monica Gattinger, Director, ISSP and Chair, Positive Energy, and Nik Nanos, CEO, Nanos Research, discussing the new Positive Energy survey results Climate ambition steady: Urgency to act now trending up, for Maclean's.
In typical Canadian fashion, the country muddles through with energy-environment policy
Op-ed by Prof. Duane Bratt, Faculty Affiliate of Positive Energy, uOttawa, for the Calgary Herald, discussing the new Positive Energy report Energy-Environment Federalism in Canada: Finding a Path for the Future.
Positive Energy Study Tackles CCUS Polarization, Public Confidence and Decision-Making Issues
The Daily Oil Bulletin article, written by Carter Haydu, discussing the new Positive Energy, uOttawa report Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage - Polarization, public confidence and decision-making.
On Energy, Roadmap For A Renewed Canada-U.S. Partnership Is Incomplete
Column written by Monica Gattinger, Director, ISSP and Chair, Positive Energy, for The Daily Oil Bulletin.
Canadians’ Views On Energy And Environment During COVID-19 - Part II: Bridging the Divide
Column written by Monica Gattinger, Director, ISSP and Chair, Positive Energy, for The Daily Oil Bulletin.
Why is the Biden, Trudeau "renewal roadmap" so light on energy? (Video link)
Interview by Markham Hislop with Monica Gattinger, Chair, Positive Energy, uOttawa
Tap into carbon capture’s potential by building public confidence
Op-ed by Patricia Larkin, Senior Research Associate, Stephen Bird, Faculty Affiliate and Monica Gattinger, Chair, Positive Energy, uOttawa, discussing the new Positive Energy, uOttawa report Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage - Polarization, public confidence and decision-making for Policy Options.
Canadians’ Views On Energy And Environment During COVID-19 - Part I: Climate Ambition on the Rise
Column written by Monica Gattinger, Director, ISSP and Chair, Positive Energy, for The Daily Oil Bulletin.
Trudeau government looks to continental energy strategy in wake of Keystone cancellation
The CBC Calgary article, quoting Monica Gattinger, Chair of Positive Energy and Director of the Institute for Science, Society and Policy of the University of Ottawa.
La lutte aux changements climatiques polarise les canadiens
The Acadie Nouvelle article, quoting Monica Gattinger, Chair of Positive Energy and Director of the Institute for Science, Society and Policy of the University of Ottawa.
Canadians’ appetite for climate action growing, but beware of polarization (PDF file, 140 KB)
Op-ed by Monica Gattinger, Chair of Positive Energy and Director of the Institute for Science, Society and Policy of the University of Ottawa, for The Hill Times.
Canada Energized: What Is The Country’s Need For An R&D Strategy And Innovation Agenda?
The Daily Oil Bulletin article, written by Carter Haydu, quoting Prof. Monica Gattinger, Chair of Positive Energy and Director of the ISSP, uOttawa.
Hail Mary for KXL needs totally different approach with Biden (video link)
Interview by Markham Hislop with Monica Gattinger, Chair, Positive Energy, uOttawa
Canada Needs to Think Differently about Canada-US Energy Relations
Column written by Monica Gattinger, Director, ISSP and Chair, Positive Energy, for The Daily Oil Bulletin.
Liberals stepping into ‘fragmented’ political picture as they press for more nuclear reactors
Article by the Hill Times, quoting Monica Gattinger, Director, ISSP and Chair, Positive Energy.
Five Big Questions On Energy And Climate Emerge From Ottawa’s Speech From The Throne
Column written by Monica Gattinger, Director, ISSP and Chair, Positive Energy, for The Daily Oil Bulletin.
Survey Says: Canadian Views Not All That Polarized On Energy, Environment Issues
The Daily Oil Bulletin article, discussing the survey analyisis on Positive Energy's Polarization over Energy and Climate in Canada: Oil and Gas.
Canada’s Just Transition Task Force can offer lessons for a green recovery
Op-ed by Brendan Frank, Positive Energy Interim Research Director and Sébastien Girard Lindsay, Positive Energy Research member and uOttawa Ph.D. candidate, for The National Observer.
Canadians ready to compromise on energy options? (YouTube link)
Interview by Markham Hislop with Monica Gattinger, Chair, Positive Energy, uOttawa
Transforming Conversations with Mike Cleland
Interview with Michael Cleland, Senior Fellow, Positive Energy, with Karen Farbridge for the Promethea Rising Podcast
Has the COVID-19 pandemic created our best chance to overhaul Canada's economy?
Interview with Nik Nanos, Positive Energy Advisory Council Chair, citing the Positive Energy and Nanos Research survey COVID-19 puts Canadians at the fulcrum of environment and economy.
Is this our best chance to go green? Canadians deeply divided, survey says
The CTV News article, written by Rachel Gilmore, citing the Positive Energy and Nanos Research survey COVID-19 puts Canadians at the fulcrum of environment and economy.
The EnergiMedia article, written by Markham Hislop, citing the Positive Energy and Nanos Research survey COVID-19 puts Canadians at the fulcrum of environment and economy.
The Hill Times article, written by Aidan Chamandy, with a quote from Monica Gattinger, Director of the ISSP and Chair of Positive Energy.
Mr. Trudeau, History is Knocking…and Its Jason Kenney at the Door
The National Newswatch article, written by Don Lenihan, about Climate and the Canadian economy, citing the Positive Energy report What is ‘Transition’? The Two Realities of Energy and Environmental Leaders in Canada and Polarization over Energy and Climate in Canada survey.
Interview with Monica Gattinger, Chair of Positive Energy and Director, ISSP, uOttawa to EnergiMedia’s Zoffee with Markham Hislop, to discuss polarization over energy and climate issues.
How COVID-19 could alter the course of climate change
The Ottawa Citizen article, written by Tom Spears, with a quote from Monica Gattinger, Director of the ISSP and Chair of Positive Energy.
Climate and Economy – Can we Build a Shared Narrative?
The National Newswatch article, written by Don Lenihan, about Climate and the Canadian economy, citing the Positive Energy report What is ‘Transition’? The Two Realities of Energy and Environmental Leaders in Canada.
Despite lofty goals, Canada's greenhouse emissions aren't improving
The Ottawa Citizen article, written by Tom Spears, with a quote from Monica Gattinger, Director of the ISSP and Chair of Positive Energy.
Can language drive polarization in the fight against climate change? (PDF file, 213 KB)
Op-ed article written by Marisa Beck, Research Director, Positive Energy and Monica Gattinger, Chair, Positive Energy, uOttawa, for The Hill Times.
Part 3: How to Chart a Positive Path Forward On Energy and Environment
Column written by Monica Gattinger, Director, ISSP and Chair, Positive Energy, for The Daily Oil Bulletin.
Canada Faces Growing Debate Over Energy Jobs, Climate Fight
Article from Bloomberg Environment, written by James Munson, with a quote by Monica Gattinger, Director of the ISSP and Chair of Positive Energy, University of Ottawa.
Balancing Canada's energy policy with climate
Interview by Monica Gattinger, Director of the ISSP and Chair of Positive Energy, University of Ottawa, to BNN Bloomberg News.
Part 2: Divisions Exist, But Canadians And Energy/Environment Leaders Aren’t Necessarily Polarized
Column written by Monica Gattinger, Director, ISSP and Chair, Positive Energy, for The Daily Oil Bulletin.
Column written by Monica Gattinger, Director, ISSP and Chair, Positive Energy, for The Daily Oil Bulletin.
Column written by Monica Gattinger, Director, ISSP and Chair, Positive Energy, for The Daily Oil Bulletin.
Sciences, Publics, Politics: Lessons From Canada’s Climate Wars
The Issues in Science and Technology article, written by Matthew C. Nisbet, about Canada's Climate Wars, citing the Positive Energy report Canada's Energy Future in an Age of Climate Change.
Opposition to Trans Mountain project grows as shovels in ground
The Calgary Herald article, written by Chris Varcoe, about the Trans Mountain Pipeline project, with a quote from Monica Gattinger, Director of the ISSP and Chair of Positive Energy.
Analysis: Why Ottawa's LRT is a lesson in how not to manage a major environmental project
The Ottawa Citizen article, written by Tom Spears, about the new Ottawa LRT system, with a quote from Monica Gattinger, Director of the ISSP and Chair of Positive Energy.
Monica Gattinger interview to CBC Ottawa Morning (YouTube link)
Interview by Professor Monica Gattinger, Chair, Positive Energy and Director, ISSP, on the CBC Ottawa Morning with Robyn Bresnahan, about the new University of Ottawa Positive Energy survey Polarization over Energy and Climate in Canada.
Copyright: CBC - Original audio link
On energy and climate, we're actually not so polarized
Op-ed article written by Stephen Bird, Erick Lachapelle and Monica Gattinger for Policy Options, about the new University of Ottawa Positive Energy survey Polarization over Energy and Climate in Canada.
City's ambitious new climate plan attempts to do what no city in the world has yet done
The Ottawa Citizen article, written by Tom Spears, about Ottawa's new climate plan, citing Michael Cleland (Senior Fellow, Positive Energy) and Monica Gattinger (Chair, Positive Energy and Director, ISSP).
Canadian oil and gas: where in the world are we going? (PDF file, 72.1 KB)
Op-ed article written by Monica Gattinger (Chair, Positive Energy and Director, ISSP) for the Natural Resources Policy Briefing of The Hill Times.
Energy doesn't divide Canadians as sharply as we think, poll says
The Ottawa Citizen article, written by Tom Spears, about the new University of Ottawa Positive Energy survey Polarization over Energy and Climate in Canada, with a quote from Monica Gattinger, Chair of Positive Energy.
Energy experts gather in a Château Laurier ballroom to talk philosophy. Politely.
The Ottawa Citizen article, written by Tom Spears, about the University of Ottawa Positive Energy event Go Big or Go Home? The Future of Canadian Energy.
LNG: Caught in the Web of Opposition to Energy Projects
Paper written by Monica Gattinger, Director, ISSP and Chair, Positive Energy, for The Canadian Global Affairs Institute.
New Liberal Government Needs To Move From Division To Unity
Column written by Monica Gattinger, Director, ISSP and Chair, Positive Energy, for The Daily Oil Bulletin.
On energy and environment, Canadian voters aren’t as divided as you may think
Op-ed written by Monica Gattinger, Director, ISSP and Chair, Positive Energy, and Nik Nanos, CEO, Nanos Research, for The Globe and Mail.
McKenna pledges "net-zero" carbon emissions by 2050
The Ottawa Citizen article, written by Tom Spears, with a quote from the University of Ottawa Positive Energy research.
How government after government has talked big about climate change — then failed to get results
The Ottawa Citizen article, written by Tom Spears, with a quote from Monica Gattinger, Chair of Positive Energy and Director of the Institute for Science, Society and Policy of the University of Ottawa.
Energy Federalism Will Be Tested As Never Before: Is Canada Up To The Challenge?
Column written by Monica Gattinger, Director, ISSP and Chair, Positive Energy, for The Daily Oil Bulletin.
Canada’s energy policy is so polarized that open dialogue about climate change is impossible.
Op-ed article written by Marisa Beck (Research Director, ISSP) and Bryson Robertson (Faculty Member, Positive Energy) for Policy Options.
The Future of Canadian Energy (audio external link)
Listen to Monica Gattinger, Chair of Positive Energy, Director of the ISSP and a Fellow with the Canadian Global Affairs Institute participation in the CGAI event What Role for Canada on the Global Stage?, on the future of Canadian energy, social license, and the approval of major infrastructure projects.
A Tale Of Two Visions: Canada’s Polarized Energy Debate
Column written by Monica Gattinger, Director, ISSP and Chair, Positive Energy, for The Daily Oil Bulletin.
Kenney Government Takes New Approach On Energy: Will It Work?
Column written by Monica Gattinger, Director, ISSP and Chair, Positive Energy, for The Daily Oil Bulletin.
The SNC-Lavalin Affair: Lessons For Bill C-69
Column written by Monica Gattinger, Director, ISSP and Chair, Positive Energy, for The Daily Oil Bulletin.
On infrastructure, Kermit’s right: It's not Easy Being Green
Op-ed article written by Michael Cleland (Senior Fellow, Positive Energy) and Monica Gattinger (Chair, Positive Energy and Director, ISSP) for the Infrastructure Policy Briefing of The Hill Times.
The Globe and Mail article, written by Barrie McKenna, with a quote from Monica Gattinger, Chair of Positive Energy and Director of the Institute for Science, Society and Policy of the University of Ottawa.
Monica Gattinger at SiriusXM Canada Talks (YouTube link)
Interview by Monica Gattinger, Chair of Positive Energy and Director of the Institute for Science, Society and Policy of The University of Ottawa on the show National Post Radio with Anthony Furey, SiriusXM Canada Talks CH. 167, about dangerous optimism.
Read the article: Canada’s Energy Future And The Perils Of Dangerous Optimism
Canada’s Energy Future And The Perils Of Dangerous Optimism
Column written by Monica Gattinger, Director, ISSP and Chair, Positive Energy, for The Daily Oil Bulletin.
Monica Gattinger's Interview with CBC New Brunswick News (YouTube link)
Interview by Monica Gattinger, Chair of Positive Energy and Director of the Institute for Science, Society and Policy of The University of Ottawa on the CBC New Brunswick News, with Harry Forestell.
Monica Gattinger`s interview to Radio-Canada Saskatchewan Point du Jour (Youtube link)
Interview by Monica Gattinger, Chair of Positive Energy and Director of the Institute for Science, Society and Policy of The University of Ottawa on the show Point du Jour of Radio-Canada Saskatchewan.
Monica Gattinger's Interview to CFRA News and Views with Rob Snow (YouTube link)
Interview by Monica Gattinger, Chair of Positive Energy and Director of the Institute for Science, Society and Policy of The University of Ottawa on the CFRA News and Views with Rob Snow.
U.S. and Canadian oil production pushing planet's climate goals out of reach, says IEA
Article from The National Observer on the Canada 2020 event, moderated by Professor Monica Gattinger, Chair of Positive Energy and director of the ISSP, with speeches from Dr. Fatih Birol, Executive Director of the International Energy Agency and The Honorable Amarjeet Sohi, Minister of Natural Resources.
Uncertainty and Confusion in Canada’s Natural Resource Development (PDF file, 1.13MB)
Op-ed by Jeffrey Simpson, Advisory Council Member of Positive Energy, as well as retired national affairs columnist at The Globe and Mail, published in Commentary, from the Macdonald-Laurier Institute.
Monica Gattinger`s interview with Radio-Canada Saskatchewan (Youtube link, only in French)
Interview by Monica Gattinger, chair of Positive Energy and Director of the Institute for Science, Society and Policy of The University of Ottawa on the show Pour faire un monde of Radio-Canada Saskatchewan, about the Trans Mountain Pipeline.
Monica Gattinger`s interview with Radio-Canada Alberta (Youtube link, only in French)
Interview by Monica Gattinger, Chair of Positive Energy and Director of the Institute for Science, Society and Policy of The University of Ottawa on the show La Croisée of Radio Canada Alberta, about the Trans Mountain Pipeline.
Monica Gattinger`s interview with Radio Canada Sudbury (Youtube link, only in French)
Interview by Monica Gattinger, Chair of Positive Energy and Director of the Institute for Science, Society and Policy of The University of Ottawa on the show Ça parle au Nord of Radio-Canada Sudbury, about the Trans Mountain Pipeline.
Monica Gattinger`s interview with Radio Canada British-Columbia (Youtube link, only in French)
Interview by Monica Gattinger, Chair of Positive Energy and Director of the Institute for Science, Society and Policy of The University of Ottawa on the show Boulevard du Pacifique of Radio-Canada British-Columbia, about the Trans Mountain Pipeline.
Monica Gattinger`s interview to RDI (Youtube Link, only in French)
Interview by Monica Gattinger, Chair of Positive Energy and Director of the Institute for Science, Society and Policy of The University of Ottawa on the show RDI Economie, about the Trans Mountain Pipeline.
Durable Energy Policy In Canada: Waiting For Godot?
Column written by Monica Gattinger, Director, ISSP and Chair, Positive Energy, for The Daily Oil Bulletin.
Canada’s Yellow-Vest-Like Convoy Protests Trudeau’s Green Agenda (PDF file, 35.7 KB)
The Bloomberg Environment article, written by James Munson, with a quote from Monica Gattinger, Chair of Positive Energy and Director of the Institute for Science, Society and Policy of the University of Ottawa.
Reproduced with permission. Published Feb. 19, 2019. Copyright 2019 by The Bureau of National Affairs, Inc. (800-372-1033) <>
Managing Canada's Oil Wealth - Monica Gattinger on TVO (external Youtube link)
How can Canada better manage its energy resources? Monica Gattinger, Director of the ISSP and Chair of Positive Energy, University of Ottawa, shares her thoughts on TVO's The Agenda with Steve Paikin, Chris Turner et Chris Bloomer.
Market (in)access for Canadian oil: lessons for other resource sectors? (PDF file, 272KB)
Op-ed article for the Hill Times by Monica Gattinger, director of the ISSP and Chair of Positive Energy
Trudeau Government Doubles Down On Energy And Environment But Has It Got A Winning Hand?
Column written by Monica Gattinger (Chair, Positive Energy) for The Daily Oil Bulletin.
Canadian Energy — Between An Economic Rock And A Progressive Hard Place
Column written by Monica Gattinger (Chair, Positive Energy) for The Daily Oil Bulletin.
Bill C-69: Is anybody thinking about how to implement it? (PDF file, 166KB)
Op-ed article written by Monica Gattinger (Chair, Positive Energy) for The Hill Times.
Video Testimonial with Stephen Bird (Youtube link)
Video testimonial produced by the uOttawa Office of International Research, featuring Stephen Bird, Research Associate, Positive Energy and 2016 Fulbright Visiting Research Chair in Governance and Public Administration, at the Centre on Governance of the University of Ottawa.
'Not even on the radar screen': Why Big Oil has abandoned Canada's once-promising energy industry
The Financial Post article about the Trans Mountain pipeline with a quote from Monica Gattinger, Chair of Positive Energy and Director of the Institute for Science, Society and Policy of the University of Ottawa.
Monica Gattinger`s interview to Radio Canada British-Columbia (Youtube link)
Interview by Monica Gattinger, chair of Positive Energy and Director of the Institute for Science, Society and Policy of The University of Ottawa on the show Phare Ouest of Radio-Canada British-Columbia, about the Trans Mountain Pipeline.
With Ottawa’s purchase of Trans Mountain, Trudeau goes from environmental ally to protest target
The Globe and Mail article about the Trans Mountain pipeline with a quote from Monica Gattinger, Chair of Positive Energy and Director of the Institute for Science, Society and Policy of the University of Ottawa.
Pipeline Move a Risk for Canada's Trudeau, but Inaction Worse
The Reuters article, also published by New York Times, about the Trans Mountain pipeline with a quote from Monica Gattinger, Chair of Positive Energy and Director of the Institute for Science, Society and Policy of the University of Ottawa.
Monica Gattinger`s interview to CTV National News (external video link)
The coverage from CTV National News with Joyce Napier about the Trans Mountain pipeline with an interview by Monica Gattinger, Chair of Positive Energy and Director of the Institute for Science, Society and Policy of the University of Ottawa.
Monica Gattinger`s interview to RDI (Youtube Link)
Interview by Monica Gattinger, chair of Positive Energy and Director of the Institute for Science, Society and Policy of The University of Ottawa on the show RDI Economie, about the Trans Mountain Pipeline.
Monica Gattinger`s interview to Radio Canada British-Columbia (Youtube link)
Interview by Monica Gattinger, chair of Positive Energy and Director of the Institute for Science, Society and Policy of The University of Ottawa on the show Boulevard du Pacifique of Radio-Canada British-Columbia, about the Trans Mountain Pipeline.
Monica Gattinger`s interview to Radio Canada Manitoba (Youtube link)
Interview by Monica Gattinger, chair of Positive Energy and Director of the Institute for Science, Society and Policy of The University of Ottawa on the show L'actuel of Radio-Canada Manitoba, about the Trans Mountain Pipeline.
Monica Gattinger`s interview to Radio-Canada Alberta La Croisee (Youtube link)
Interview by Monica Gattinger, chair of Positive Energy and Director of the Institute for Science, Society and Policy of The University of Ottawa on the show La Croisée of Radio Canada Alberta, about the Trans Mountain Pipeline.
Monica Gattinger`s interview to Radio-Canada Saskatchewan Pour faire un monde (Youtube link)
Interview by Monica Gattinger, chair of Positive Energy and Director of the Institute for Science, Society and Policy of The University of Ottawa on the show Pour faire un monde of Radio-Canada Saskatchewan, about the Trans Mountain Pipeline.
'We are in a bad place right now': Canada struggles to reconcile economy with environment
Article by Jesse Snyder of the Financial Post on how Ottawa’s attempts to gain consensus on big resource projects fails to gain traction, with a quote from Michael Cleland, Senior Fellow for the University of Ottawa Positive Energy initiative.
Monica Gattinger at CPAC Revue Politique (video link, only in French)
Interview with Monica Gattinger, Chair of Positive Energy and director of the University of Ottawa's Institute for Science, Society and Policy, to CPAC's Revue Politique, about the Trans Mountain pipeline.
Nik Nanos on CTV News (external video link)
Nik Nanos (Chair and CEO of Nanos Research) discusses the latest findings of the Nanos Research Canadians’ Views on Energy Decision-Making, Projects and Trade-Offs, prepared for The University of Ottawa Positive Energy initiative, on his weekly CTV News segment Nanos on the numbers.
Interview by Monica Gattinger, Chair of Positive Energy, to Radio-Canada International, discussing the possible abandoning of the Trans Mountain Pipeline project.
Federal Government’s Proposed Changes Leave Many Unanswered Questions
Article from The Daily Oil Bulletin, by Paul Wells, about the Federal Government’s Proposed Changes on its regulatory system for major projects. The article quotes Monica Gattinger, director of the Institute for Science, Society and Policy and Chair of Positive Energy at the University of Ottawa.
Who decides on energy projects? (PDF file, 53.7 KB)
Op-ed article for the Hill Times by Stewart Fast, Senior Research Associate, Positive Energy
Canadians’ Views on Energy Decision-Making, Projects and Trade-Offs: April 2018
Positive Energy’s latest public opinion survey research explores Canadians’ opinions and attitudes on who should have final say on energy projects, how well the country is doing on balancing competing priorities in energy projects, and key trade-offs in energy decision-making. The findings are of particular relevance in the context of the controversy over the Kinder Morgan TransMountain pipeline and the federal government’s proposed legislation (Bill C-69) to reform energy decision-making.
Canadians back Ottawa on energy projects, but seek balance
Op-ed article written by Monica Gattinger (Chair, Positive Energy and Director, University of Ottawa’s Institute for Science, Society and Policy) and Nik Nanos (chair and CEO of Nanos Research)for The Globe and Mail.
Ottawa says it will do anything to save Trans Mountain pipeline (External link, only in French)
Article from Le Devoir discussing the Trans Mountain Pipeline, featuring an interview with Monica Gattinger, Chair of Positive Energy and Director of the ISSP.
Article written by NEB’s Chair and CEO Peter Watson for the website World Pipelines. In it, Peter Watson cites the University of Ottawa`s Positive Energy report System Under Stress, written by Michael Cleland and Monica Gattinger.
Canadians united in pessimism about energy decision-making (PDF file, 116 KB)
Op-ed article written by Monica Gattinger (Chair, Positive Energy) for The Hill Times.
Monica Gattinger`s paper featured on the Daily Oil Bulletin
Monica Gattinger, director of the ISSP and president of Positive Energy has been named a Canadian Global Affairs Institute (CGAI) fellow. The Daily Oil Bulletin, in a partnership with the CGAI, has made her paper, Big Projects, Big Politics, Big Policy: Strengthening Public Confidence In Energy Decision-Making In Canada, the first one to be featured in a recurring series.
Getting to grips with climate change
Article by The University of Ottawa Gazette on the panel Climate change in the age of Trump: How should Canada respond?, with quotes from the panelists.
The panel was moderated by Calin Rovinescu– President and CEO of Air Canada, and Chancellor of the University of Ottawa and also had the participation of Annette Verschuren– Chair & CEO of NRStor Inc., and Chancellor, Cape Breton University, Tzeporah Berman– Energy and Climate Campaign Strategy Consultant and Adjunct Professor in Environmental Studies, York University and Stewart Elgie– Professor, Faculty of Law; Founder and Chair, Smart Prosperity Institute and Director of the University of Ottawa’s Institute of the Environment.
Academics Discuss Canada’s Climate Change Response During UOttawa Debate
Daily Oil article by Carter Haydu commenting on the University of Ottawa Chancellor's Debate panel: Climate change in the age of Trump: How should Canada respond?
Monica Gattinger's participation on the Chancellor's Debate (video link)
Highlights of Monica Gattinger's participation on the panel Climate change in the age of Trump: How should Canada respond?
The panel was moderated by Calin Rovinescu– President and CEO of Air Canada, and Chancellor of the University of Ottawa and also had the participation of Annette Verschuren– Chair & CEO of NRStor Inc., and Chancellor, Cape Breton University, Tzeporah Berman– Energy and Climate Campaign Strategy Consultant and Adjunct Professor in Environmental Studies, York University and Stewart Elgie– Professor, Faculty of Law; Founder and Chair, Smart Prosperity Institute and Director of the University of Ottawa’s Institute of the Environment.
The full University of Ottawa Chancellor's Debate panel on Climate change in the age of Trump: How should Canada respond? can be found here
Canada plans to release 'more credible' climate change info
Article from The National Observer on the Statistics Canada panel discussion on climate change science, which features comments from Monica Gattinger, Chair of Positive Energy and director of the ISSP, who was one of the participants of the panel.
Nanos on the Numbers: Falling confidence in energy decisions (video link)
CTV news report on the latest Nanos survey commissioned by the Positive Energy project, which shows a lack of confidence by Canadians in energy decision-making.
CBC/The Canadian Press article about the new Nanos Research poll on the public confidence in energy decision-making
Oil companies must innovate to prosper in low-carbon energy transition: minister
The Globe and Mail article, by Shawn McCarthy, featuring new poll results by Nanos Research on Canadian public confidence toward the decision-making process in the energy sector.
Canadian energy’s Johnny Cash moment (PDF file, 377 KB)
Op-ed article written by Monica Gattinger (Chair, Positive Energy) for The Hill Times.
No easy fixes for energy policy in Canada (PDF file, 238 KB)
Op-ed article written by Michael Cleland (Senior Fellow, Positive Energy) and Monica Gattinger (Chair, Positive Energy) for The Hill Times.
Canada’s Energy-Decision System Not Suited To Challenges
Daily Oil Bulletin article about System Under Stress: Energy Decision-making in Canada and the Need for Informed Reform
For decision makers, public trust will drive future energy projects
Op-ed article written by Michael Cleland (Senior Fellow, Positive Energy), Monica Gattinger (Chair, Positive Energy) and Trevor McLeod (Centre for Natural Resources Policy, Canada West Foundation) for The Globe and Mail.
Canada must change its way of making energy decisions
Radio-Canada article featuring the A Matter of Trust report. (only in French)
Perry Bellegarde asserts importance of indigenous consent for pipelines
The Globe and mail article about Positive Energy's ENGAGE: Canadian Communities & Energy Decision-Making
Are Canadians that enthused about clean energy?
Op-ed article written by Michael Cleland (Senior Fellow, Positive Energy), Monica Gattinger (Chair, Positive Energy) and Trevor McLeod (Centre for Natural Resources Policy, Canada West Foundation) for The Ottawa Citizen.
As Montreal shows, the NEB alone cannot be Canada’s pipeline solution
Op-ed article written by Martha Hall Findlay (Positive Energy Advisory Council Chair) for The Globe and Mail.
Op-ed article written by Monica Gattinger (Chair, Positive Energy) for The Hill Times.
Clean energy projects not immune from local opposition
CTV News interview with Monica Gattinger (Chair, Positive Energy).
One in six First Nations vows to block pipelines
Calgary Sun article with quotes from Monica Gattinger (Chair, Positive Energy).
Public confidence: the challenge of our times
Resource Works article about the report Fair Enough: Assessing Community Confidence in Energy Authorities.
Fair Enough in the Calgary Herald
Calgary Herald article featuring Positive Energy's Fair Enough Report.
For today's energy projects, who should decide?
Op-ed by article written by Michael Cleland (Senior Fellow, Positive Energy), Monica Gattinger (Chair, Positive Energy) and Trevor McLeod (Centre for Natural Resources Policy, Canada West Foundation) for the Vancouver Sun (also carried by the Winnipeg Free Press and the Windsor Star).
Can Canada meet its current 2030 climate target?
The Canadian Press asked four climate and energy experts whether Canada’s current 2030 target of reducing emissions 30 per cent below 2005 levels is achievable – and if so, how. Michael Cleland (Senior Fellow, Positive Energy) is one of them.
Uncertainty in Foreign Investment and Energy Regulation
Op-ed article written by Martha Hall Findlay (Positive Energy Advisory Council Chair) for The Globe and Mail.
Big Ideas Energy Leaders Dialogue (video link)
Panelists discuss the future of energy in Canada in this Big Ideas Energy Leaders Dialogue, hosted by the Economic Club of Canada in Ottawa.
A Human Face behind Resource Development
When it comes to resource development, Josh Giesbrecht (Positive Energy Team Member) believes First Nations and others have a lot more to gain from dialogue and negotiation than the alternatives.
Is Canada an ‘energy superpower?’
Op-ed article written by Monica Gattinger (Chair, Positive Energy) for The Energy Exchange.