The facility provides sample analysis via single crystal x-ray diffraction (SCXRD), polycrystalline x-ray diffraction (PXRD) and x-ray fluorescence (XRF). The three techniques are complementary and are routinely used by material scientists, chemists, biochemists, physicists, geologists, mineralogists, and engineers.
Single Crystal Diffraction
Bruker Kappa ApexII
A 4-circle Kappa goniometer with the ApexII CCD detector. The x-ray source is a molybdenum fine focus sealed tube combined with the new TRIUMPH monochromator which delivers more than three times higher intensity at the sample than previous generations of monochromators. Sample temperature is controlled between 80 - 400 K (typically set to 100 K) by means of an Oxford Cryosystems 700 series cryostream.
Bruker Smart ApexII
A 3-circle goniometer with the ApexII CCD detector. The x-ray source is a molybdenum fine focus sealed tube combined with a Monocap focusing collimator for increased intensity. This instrument is no longer in operation.

Powder X-Ray Diffraction (PXRD)
Bruker D8 Endeavor
A high throughput, high sensitivity powder X-ray diffractometer which operates exclusively in the Bragg-Brentano geometry. The combination of a smaller goniometer radius, a cutting edge high speed 1-D detector, and an automated sample handling system yields extremely high sample throughput (< 30 min for publication quality for most samples).
The equipped LynxEye XE-T detector achieves best in class sensitivity by means of high resolution electronic energy discrimination, rivalling the data quality achieved with a diffracted beam monochromator and Kβ filter, without the severe intensity loss these optics cause.
This instrument is able to use dynamic beam optimization (DBO), which continuously varies beam divergence, antiscatter optics, and detector opening to obtain the cleanest possible powder diffractogram even at very low angles (i.e. less than 1° in 2θ).
In order to serve a very high demand for PXRD data acquisition, the D8 Endeavor is integrated with a high throughput sample handling system. The sample chamber is able to hold up to 40 user samples, automatically switching between samples for zero down time. Because the sample chamber is isolated from the X-ray radiation area, it can be accessed at any time, even during data collection, allowing this to operate as a walk-up service - simply walk-up to add your samples, enter them into the run queue, and leave.

X-ray Fluorescence
Rigaku Supermini200 WDXRF Spectrometer
Samples analysis is performed on a Rigaku Supermini200 benchtop sequential wavelength-dispersive spectrometer equipped with a 200 W Pd-anode X-ray tube. A combination of two analyzing crystals, and scintillation and flow proportional detectors permit analysis of all elements from Sodium (Na) to Uranium (U). An autosampler allows for automated determination of up to 12 samples. The XRF is supported by a sample preparation lab with a Claisse M4 Fluxer for fused disks and a Carver press for pressed pellets.

Contact us
X-ray Core Facility
tel. (613) 562-5800 ext. 6664
STEM Complex, room 028A
University of Ottawa
150 Louis Pasteur
Ottawa, ON, Canada, K1N 6N5
Dr. Jeff Ovens
tel. (613) 562-5800 ext. 1488
[email protected]
office: STM 405