Samples must be submitted as finely crushed powders (200 mesh or better). A minimum of 1 g of sample is required, however submission of 2 g or more is preferred. The fee rates for submissions from the University of Ottawa and the Ottawa-Carelton Geoscience Centre (OCGC) are outlined below:
Fees for tasks performed by X-Ray Core Facility Staff
Sample preparation:
- Standard fusion: $5/sample1
- Standard pressed pellet: $6/sample
- LOI determination: $5/sample
XRF analysis:
- Standard run: $14/sample2
Fees for tasks performed by trained users
Sample preparation:
- Use of Claisse M4 Fusion Fluxer: $18/hour1,3
- Use of facility pellet die and supplies: $4/sample4
- Use of high temperature furnace for LOI determination: FREE5
XRF analysis:
- Use of Rigaku Supermini200 WDXRF: $10/hour
Other fees and services:
- Claisse M4 Fusion Fluxer training: $50/user
- Pellet die and press training: $25/user4
- Rigaku Supermini200 WDXRF training: $100/user
1Some types of samples are known to cause difficulties in cleaning, or irreversible damage to the Pt crucibles we use for the fusion process. The presence of elemental sulphur or elemental metals must be disclosed upon submission so other sample preparation methods can be considered. A $50/crucible fee will be charged for any crucibles which require additional cleaning or polishing after use. Note that a significant contribution to the cost of a new crucible will be required in the event a crucible is irreveribly damaged.
2A standard run is defined as any request which can be fulfilled using our standard mafic or felsic rock calibration arrays.
3All trained users are encouraged to acquire their own flux chemicals to avoid cross contamination. Facility staff will gladly help in the acquisition and proper mixing of the correct flux recipes. Alternatively, we will provide premixed flux at a reasonable cost (approx. $1.25/sample).
4Researchers who wish to use our press dies and supplies must undergo formal training prior to doing so. Researchers who bring their own press dies and supplies may forgo formal training and use our hydraulic press free of charge after a brief no-cost orientation.
5After a brief no-cost orientation, researchers are permitted to use our balance and high temperature furnace to perofrm loss on ignition (LOI) determination fee of charge.
For external submissions, please contact Jeff Ovens for an estimate based on the scope of work to be completed.