The plan takes a comprehensive look at the university's facilities from the perspective of its current state and utilization of space. The directions set out for the physical growth and improvements, it aims to ensure future investments which not only support the university's academic mission while creating a campus that is inviting, memorable, and sustainable.

Campus master plan
About the master plan

Master Plan Overview (PDF, 6.6 MB)

Campus Master Plan, Design Guidelines and Precinct Plans Awards (PDF, 3.8 MB)

Big moves

Precincts overview
University of Ottawa Campus Master Plan

Contents and Introduction
The University of Ottawa holds a prominent place nationally and internationally as one of Canada’s leading universities and the largest bilingual university in the world. It is also located in the heart of the nation’s capital, contributing significantly to the region’s economy, culture and quality of life.

The Campus Master Plan acknowledges uOttawa’s historical development and responds to the campus’s urban setting and physical condition. It also considers growth projections and broader campus trends that will influence future development. This section describes the planning context and concludes with a summary of needs and opportunities, which sets the stage for the Campus Master Plan.

Framework and Big Moves
Sections 3 and 4 together encompass the overall plan for the uOttawa campus. This section describes the foundational layers 3 of the Campus Master Plan and the major physical “moves” intended to define campus development for the next 20 or more years.

The Plan
This section takes each layer of the campus introduced in Section 3 and describes it more comprehensively, providing general direction for campus development, including a range of improvements to the circulation, open space and social infrastructure networks.

Stratégies relatives aux secteurs
Cette section décrit les différents secteurs du campus ainsi que les possibilités particulières et les initiatives proposées pour chacun. Elle jette les bases pour les plans des secteurs, qui précisent les orientations détaillées pour les nouveaux aménagements, espaces ouverts et paysages urbains.

Mise en oeuvre
Le Plan directeur du campus fournit un cadre et des lignes directrices pour l’évolution de l’Université d’Ottawa au cours des vingt prochaines années. Ce chapitre fournit des orientations pour les initiatives à court terme, identifie les initiatives actuelles et proposées qui entameront la mise en œuvre du plan et appuie les objectifs du plan stratégique Destination 2020.