Big moves
The campus of the future will reflect the best features of the campus today. It will be compact, complete and sustainable.
Big moves overview

1 - Renew the Core (PDF, 9.2 MB)
The inner campus core will become a pedestrian priority zone by re-establishing a pedestrianized street grid. Lot X will be transformed into University Square –a multipurpose central open space. A new University Centre will provide a full range of amenities and social spaces.

2 - Green the Campus (PDF, 9.2 MB)
Trees and landscaped spaces will create an attractive and healthy campus, provide places for learning and gathering, and help manage stormwater and mitigate the impacts of climate change.

3 - Transform King Edward (PDF 9.2 MB)
King Edward will become an attractive avenue with a vibrant mix of academic buildings, residences and amenities. Widened, landscaped and furnished sidewalks will invite foot traffic and reinforce the image of a campus street.

4 - Develop the River Precinct (PDF 9.2 MB)
The former Algonquin College lands will become a “campus within the campus” with academic facilities, services and potentially housing. Open spaces will link development to the river while the LRT and bike paths will connect it to the campus core.

5 - Initiate development around Lees Station (PDF, 9.2 MB)
The University will capitalize on the development potential of the lands adjacent to the future Lees LRT Station, potentially by partnering with developers. A mix of uses and amenities will contribute to a strong sense of community and distinct identity for the area.

6 - Develop complete communities (PDF, 9.2 MB)
Having a variety of places to work, sleep, socialize, attend sporting events, or enjoy arts and culture is essential to a great university experience. Priorities will include housing for first-year students and enhanced community hubs on main campus, in the Lees Station area and at Alta Vista.