Situations should be reported immediately to your direct (or acting) supervisor and can be done either verbally or in writing.
1. Get medical help
The University of Ottawa is responsible for providing first aid. Seek further medical care (campus clinic, hospital, family doctor, medical specialists, etc.) if you require additional treatment.
Emergencies should be reported to Protection Services at ext. 5411. Maintain security of the incident scene until otherwise instructed by university officials. This may include restricting access to, or use of, an area or equipment. The purpose is to ensure that all aspects of the incident can be considered as soon as, and as close to, reasonably possible.
2. Document
Formally declare the injury, illness, hazard or concern to your supervisor and the University using the uOttawa accident/incident reporting form. An investigation will be conducted and associated records maintained.
3. Report to appropriate authorities
Situations involving medical care or lost time from work must be reported by the University of Ottawa to the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB). Similarly, the university must report critical injuries and occupational illnesses to the Ministry of Labour. There are strict timelines to submit such reports.
Situations may also require notification to other external regulatory agencies, insurers, etc.
4. Work together
All parties must work together to:
- help a worker return to work safely and at the appropriate time
- safely restore the scene to pre-incident state
- identify the cause of the situation and implement corrective action
- fulfil organizational responsibilities
Refer to the Incident management procedure (PDF) for additional information.