Emergency, violent or unsafe situation


  • On the main campus, at Roger Guindon Hall or at 200 Lees: Call Protection Services at 613-562-5411, or use the emergency button on your campus phone or on the SecurUO app.
  • Off campus, at 99 Bank, the Library Annex or 600-850 Peter Morand: Call 911. Then,when it’s safe, call 613-562-5411 to notify Protection Services.

Learn more about emergency preparedness


Harassment and discrimination

Call the Human Rights Office (HRO) at 613-562-5222, email the HRO, fill out the Case Resolution Request Form or visit the HRO at 1 Stewart Street, Room 121. You can also contact your union or association.

Mental health support for professors and staff

Keep essential information on mental health and appropriate services at hand. See theMental health and wellness page for information on upcoming virtual activities and available services.

Need to talk? Here are some resources:

  • Employee and Family Assistance Program, 24/7 (bilingual): 1-844-880-9142 
  • Distress Centre of Ottawa and Region, 24/7 (bilingual): 613-238-3311 
  • Crisis Line, 24/7 (bilingual): 
    • Within Ottawa: 613-722-6914
    • Outside Ottawa: 1-866-996-0991

Campus health and safety information

Report any workplace hazard, injury or illness to your supervisor and submit a report. Report any critical or serious incident to Protection Services (613-562-5411) immediately.

As well, see the following information:

If you still can’t find the information you need, email the Office of the Chief Risk Officer.

Building or grounds issues

For issues requiring immediate action or attention (water leaks, power outages, elevator problems, de-icing, repairs), contact the Facilities Service Centre at 613-562-5800 ext. 2222.

For all other matters, speak with your supervisor or facility manager.


Accessibility at uOttawa is a shared responsibility of all faculties and services. Requests for accessibility measures should be addressed as follows:

  • For academic accessibility measures, contact the Academic Accommodations Service.
  • For non-academic and non-work-related accessibility issues, contact the manager of the relevant facility or service.
  • For work-related/employment accessibility measures, contact the Office of Health Wellness and Leave (Human Resources) and your faculty or service.

General questions may be addressed to the Human Rights Office at 613-562-5222 or [email protected].


Training is mandatory for all workers. To ensure your training is complete, see the list of mandatory training sessions.

Before beginning a new job or task, speak to your supervisor about job-specific training requirements.