How to participate
Detailed rules of engagement
Take as many risks as possible from the list included in the passport booklet or in the digital app.
Give yourself a check mark for each risk taken:
Most risks can be repeated up to three times (see number of checkboxes by each risk);
Risks can be taken in any order you like;
You do not need to undertake all risks listed;
Each time you undertake a risk, indicate whether you thought the level of risk was High, Medium, or Low by adding the corresponding letter (H, M, or L) beside the checkbox in the passport booklet or use the slider in the digital app.
Feel free to use the blank passport pages provided at the back of the booklet to propose additional risks or use the corresponding function in the digital app.
Once you have completed at least 20 risks, including repeated ones, submit the passport booklet to your language teacher or to the Julien Couture Resource Centre in Hamelin Hall (MHN 02) and you might win a prize. If you are participating in uOGlobal, submit your paper passport to your facilitator during a workshop or at the reception of the International Office (TBT M386). Users of the Linguistic Risk app can submit the passport digitally through the app menu.
Submissions will be accepted during a specified period each semester. For the precise dates, please contact your language professor, uOGlobal facilitator, or check the dates indicated in your digital app.
If you win a prize, you will receive it in your language class or you will be notified by email.
Make sure you enter a valid uOttawa email address in your passport.
- Currently the Linguistic Risk-Taking Initiative is only available to participants from the university community with a valid uOttawa email address.