PILAP Activities
Training and research
Date | Event |
March 3 | Rémi Léger (Simon Fraser University) Le pouvoir d’agir des organismes de la francophonie canadienne : un réexamen |
March 10 | Sylvie Lamoureux (Université d’Ottawa) Minorités de langues officielles et le postsecondaire |
March 17 | François Larocque (Université d’Ottawa) La modernisation de la Loi sur les langues officielles du Canada |
March 24 | Rachelle Vessey (Carleton University) L'approche discursive - une perspective pour la politique linguistique canadienne |
March 31 | David Robichaud (Université d’Ottawa) La justice linguistique et l’immigration |
- Some 20 participants during the live-streamed question period (master's students, GRIGL and OLBI members, general public)
- Hundreds of views of the YouTube recording (general public)
- Training master's and doctoral students from the University of Ottawa, Université de Paris and UNTREF.
- Opportunities for exchanges and networking with graduate students and researchers.
- Strengthening research skills on an international level.
- Creating teaching resources with virtual master classes. Classes are in French with possible English and Spanish subtitles.
- Project visibility: master classes were viewed hundreds of times.
Date | Event |
April 7 | Methodology workshop lead by master's and doctoral students supervised by Prof. Auzanneau and Jezak. Question period and student exchange about research paths at the master's and doctoral level. |
- Master's and doctoral students (University of Ottawa and Université de Paris/CEPED)
- Prof. Auzanneau, Jezak, Mick and Varela
Training of master's and doctoral students at the University of Ottawa and Université de Paris (make an academic-type presentation and ask questions in relation to the presentations of other students)
Date | Event |
April 19 - May 5 | Iris Padiou (Université de Paris) |
Training and research
Date | Event |
October 18 | Carola Mick (Université de Paris) Le langage institutionnel face au défi du multilinguisme, dans le cas de la loi de consultation préalable des peuples autochtones au Pérou. |
October 25 | Monika Jezak (Université d'Ottawa) Politique et gestion des langues dans un pays multiculturel et officiellement bilingue. Le cas d’enchevêtrement de politiques linguistiques au Canada. |
November 15 | Lía Varela (UNTREF) La politique des langues à l'université et dans son environnement socio-économique - une recherche-action à Buenos Aires, Argentine. |
February 25 | Monika Jezak (Université d'Ottawa) Étude de migrations dans la perspective des politiques et aménagement linguistiques |
Licence en Sciences du Langage, 2ème année. About 50 participants ; 60 students registered in the course
- Training of undergraduate students in language sciences at the University of Paris
- Students' introduction to current research questions in sociolinguistics and language policies
- Introduction of students to research practices and discussion of results in public: Students gain confidence in public speaking, formulate questions in relation to research results and understand the breadth of research questions in the humanities and social sciences.
- Possibility of exchange and networking of students with teacher-researchers from other universities
Date | Event |
February 25 | Monika Jezak (Université d'Ottawa) Étude de migrations dans la perspective des politiques et aménagement linguistiques |
Date | Event |
March 29 - April 6 | Valérie Clément (Université d'Ottawa) |
Research And Institutional Networking
Date | Event |
November 26 - November 27 | Study days “Lenguas en las universidades del Conurbano: políticas, gestión, enseñanza, investigación”
Around sixty participants, representatives from twelve suburban universities’ language centres (province of Buenos Aires, Argentina); the director of International Cooperation, Ministry of Education; students from the Master’s in Language Management (UNTREF). The speakers include Monika Jezak (uOttawa), Michelle Auzanneau and Carola Mick (University of Paris).
- Producing teaching material (conference and workshops’ videos).
- Training students from the Master’s in Language Management (UNTREF) in research and public policy: developing the capacity to analyze and assess language policies. Exchange and networking opportunities with professionals in the field (researchers, language centres’ people in charge, ministerial authorities).
- Sharing the best practices among people in charge of suburban public universities’ language centres.
- Establishing the conditions for an enlightening dialogue between universities and public authorities as part of the policies development process in university language training.
- Ensuring the visibility of the PILAP project.
About 30 international researchers
Outreach of francophone research in language policy and in sociolinguistics
Public action
Date | Event |
February 2021 | Launch of the activities of the UNTREF LINGUA lab |
Teacher-researchers and students of the Master’s program in Languages Management (Lia Varela dir.)
The OLBI model was a source of inspiration in the creation of the UNTREF LINGUA Lab for Research and Innovation in Language Policy and Management. Since February 2021, this center has been developing research as well as training and advisory activities aimed at university, non-university and business sector audiences.
Date | Event |
May 5 2021 | Meeting (by videoconference) of the authorities of the Ministry of Culture of Peru with international experts invited as part of the public consultation process on the update of the National Policy on Indigenous Languages, Oral Tradition and interculturality (PNLOTI) |
For the Government of Peru: the Minister of Culture; Mr. Director of Aboriginal Languages; technical team of the Directorate of Aboriginal Languages.
International invited experts: around fifteen specialists from the Americas (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, United States, Mexico) and Europe (France, Portugal, United Kingdom).
The contribution made by Lia Varela (UNTREF) as an Argentinian expert follows the discussions around the "Peru case" carried out since 2017 between researchers, students and actors in the field within the framework of the cooperation between UOttawa-University of Paris/Ceped and UNTREF.
Training and research
Date | Event |
October 15 | Lorena Fontaine, University of Winnipeg Indigenous Language Rights in Canada |
October 22 | Elisa Loncon, Universidad de Santiago de Chile Mapuche Indigenous language rights in Chile: race and gender |
November 5 | Jonathan Rosa, Stanford University Unsettling race and language: Toward a raciolinguistic perspective |
November 12 | Michele Gazzola, Ulster University The politics and policy of multilingualism in the European Union after Brexit |
November 19 | Monika Jezak and Luisa Veronis, University of Ottawa Francophone immigration in official linguistic minority settings in Canada |
November 26 | Carola Mick, Université de Paris/CEPED Politics in speaking: the disruptive power of using “Andean Spanish” |
- Some 30 participants during the live-streamed question period (master's students, GRIGL and OLBI members, general public)
- Hundreds of views of the YouTube recording (public)
- Training master's and doctoral students from the University of Ottawa, Université de Paris and UNTREF.
- Opportunities for exchanges and networking with graduate students and researchers.
- Strengthening research skills on an international level.
- Creating teaching resources with virtual master classes. Classes are in English with French and Spanish subtitles.
- Project visibility: master classes were viewed hundreds of times.
Date | Event |
December 5 | Presentations of students' master's and doctoral projects supervised by Prof. Auzanneau, Jezak and Varela. Question period and student exchange about research paths at the master's and doctoral level in the three partner universities of PILAP. |
- Master's and doctoral students (University of Ottawa, UNTREF, Université de Paris/CEPED)
- Prof. Auzanneau, Jezak, Mick and Varela
Training of master's and doctoral students at the University of Ottawa, Université de Paris and UNTREF (make an academic-type presentation and ask questions in relation to the presentations of other students)
Research training
Date | Event |
November 16 | Prof. Lia Varela (UNTREF) Title : Représentations et apprentissages du français chez les étudiants universitaires argentins dans le cadre de l'internationalisation de l'enseignement supérieur |
November 23 | Prof. Monika Jezak et Luisa Veronis (University of Ottawa) Title : Politiques des langues, pratiques langagières et parcours d’intégration des immigrants adultes à la communauté francophone minoritaire d’Ottawa |
Licence en Sciences du Langage, 2ème année. About 50 participants ; 60 students registered in the course
- Training of undergraduate students in language sciences at the University of Paris
- Students' introduction to current research questions in sociolinguistics and language policies
- Introduction of students to research practices and discussion of results in public: Students gain confidence in public speaking, formulate questions in relation to research results and understand the breadth of research questions in the humanities and social sciences.
- Possibility of exchange and networking of students with teacher-researchers from other universities
Training and public action
Date | Event |
October 16 | Gerardo García Chinchay, Director of Indigenous Languages (Viceministerio de Interculturalidad, Ministerio de Cultura, Perú): "Certificación a servidores públicos bilingües" |
- Panelists from Instituto de Lenguas in Chaco, Argentina
- 25 participants: master's students (University of Ottawa, Université de Paris and UNTREF), GRIGL members, representatives from Instituto de Politica linguistica in Misiones, Argentina.
- Training master's students from University of Ottawa, Université de Paris and UNTREF. Strengthening skills in assessing and analyzing language policies.
- Sharing best practices between language policy practitioners in Peru and Argentina.
- Networking between institutional leaders and researchers in language policy.
- Creating teaching resources (PowerPoint and associated documents): case study on assessing Indigenous language policy.
- Reusing teaching resources already created by UNTREF in the case of Peru.
Research training
Date | Event |
October 31 | Course presenting the master's projects of UNTREF students, with Monika Jezak (University of Ottawa) and Carola Mick (Université de Paris/CEPED) |
15 students registered
- Training UNTREF master's students (giving an academic presentation to an international audience; asking questions about other students' presentations; answering questions).
- Opportunity for students to interact and network with teacher-researchers from other universities.