Honorary Member (Friend of uOttawa)
The Honorary Member of the Alumni Association Award celebrates a person who is not a graduate of the University but whose actions and dedication have a beneficial impact on the uOttawa student experience or make a significant contribution to the University in general.

2024 - Marina Kun
Marina Kun, who has been president of Kun Shoulder Rest Inc. since 1975, has revolutionized the string instrument industry with ergonomic and innovative shoulder rest products. Marina Kun's philanthropic endeavours extend beyond business, notably through the Marina Kun Scholarship at the University of Ottawa, supporting aspiring musicians worldwide.

2023 - Sibel Aydin
A professor of medicine and rheumatology at uOttawa, Dr. Sibel Aydin built the University’s research program in inflammatory arthritis from the ground up. In addition to her research interests, Dr. Aydin supervises doctoral- and master’s-level trainees and has helped recruit national and international talent to the Faculty of Medicine by creating several fellowship programs.

2022 - Susan Rust
By establishing an assistance fund and broadening access to field courses, Susan Rust wished to keep the memory of her husband, the late professor Brian Rust, alive. In doing so, she has become a faithful ally of students in our Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences.

2021 - Dr. Sharon Whiting
Dr. Sharon Whiting is the vice-dean of faculty affairs at the Faculty of Medicine and a neurologist at the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario. She has overseen the Faculty’s efforts to advance equity, diversity and inclusion for many years and her actions and initiatives benefit student life and the uOttawa experience.

2020 - Dr. Robert G. Korneluk
Dr. Robert G. Korneluk holds the honour of Distinguished Professor at the University of Ottawa, where he has been a member of the Faculty of Medicine since 1986, serving as professor of pediatrics and of biochemistry, microbiology and immunology.

2019 - Cynthia and Yves Bled
Cynthia and Yves Bled have dedicated their lives to youth. The retired professors continue to foster student success and recognize student achievements through their generous support of scholarships and bursaries at a variety of institutions, including uOttawa.

2018 - Dr. Tony Durst
Dr. Tony Durst is an Emeritus Professor in the Department of Chemistry and Biomolecular Sciences. He has taught organic and medicinal chemistry to more than 15,000 students, supervised almost 60 MSc and PhD theses and mentored some 30 post-doctoral fellows.

2017 - Bruce Lazenby
Bruce Lazenby is a veteran of the local high-tech scene and the former CEO of Invest Ottawa. Driven to bridge the gap between business and the University, Bruce has accomplished this in his roles as member of advisory committees with the Faculty of Engineering and the Telfer School of Management.

2016 - Sam Saab
Sam is the owner of Father and Sons, a restaurant at the edge of the uOttawa campus. For almost 50 years, Sam and his family have served good food to members of the University community and provided outstanding support to students so they can fulfill their dreams.

2015 - Aline Chrétien
Aline Chrétien has over 40 years of experience in establishing connections with parliamentarians, national and provincial leaders, business executives, and dignitaries from around the globe. She is an accomplished pianist and honorary co-chair of the uOttawa Piano Pedagogy Research Laboratory.

2014 - Ruth Freiman
Ruth Freiman is a faithful ally of the University who has generously contributed her time and expertise. As a member of the Board of Governors and several board committees, Ruth has helped shape the future direction of uOttawa in a number of valuable ways.

2013 - Anne McDougall
Anne McDougall and her three children Catherine, Elizabeth and Drew established the Edward Barry McDougall Memorial Scholarship at the University of Ottawa after Barry lost his six year battle with cancer in 1999. The scholarship provides for a Polish law graduate to come to Ottawa to study for a year, and to earn a Master’s degree in law. In addition to the scholarship, Anne and her family also sponsor a visiting professor from Poland annually to deliver a three-week intensive course in the Faculty of Law.

2012 - Marcel Hamelin
Marcel Hamelin became a faculty member in the University of Ottawa Department of History in 1966, eventually chairing the department. He later became Vice-Dean of the School of Graduate Studies and Research, then spent 16 years as Dean of the Faculty of Arts and another 11 years as the University’s Vice-Chancellor and Dean. In addition to overseeing the creation of various interdisciplinary programs and the launch of a master plan for the campus, he also received honours such as being elected to the Royal Society of Canada, as well as being named Commander of l’Ordre des Palmes Académiques and Officer of the l’Ordre de la Pléiade.