Language Acquisition Research Laboratory
Language Acquisition Research Laboratory (LAR LAB)
The lab has an interdisciplinary focus – combining formal and descriptive linguistics with developmental and cognitive psychology – and joint and individual projects include spontaneous and experimental data and make use of a variety of online and offline methodologies.
Recent and ongoing research includes studies on:
Native and non-native language acquisition
Immigrant and heritage languages of Canada
Language contact
The representation and processing of language in the bilingual mind
Code-mixing and code-switching
Bilingualism in typically and non-typically developing populations
The Language Acquisition Research Laboratory collaborates with researchers from other departments at the University of Ottawa as well as other universities in Canada and around the world. The members meet on a regular basis to discuss collaborative and individual projects, to assess progress made and to program activities.

How to reach us
Language Acquisition Research Laboratory
Room: MHN 253
Telephone: 613-562-5800, ext. 1781
[email protected]
Juana M. Liceras
Language Acquisition Research Laboratory Director
Room: MHN 217
Telephone: 613-562-5800, ext. 3742
[email protected]
Elena Valenzuela
Language Acquisition Research Laboratory Co-Director
Room: MHN 221
Telephone: 613-562-5800, ext. 3743
[email protected]