Socio-educational inequalities and power relations
2022 International Symposiums Series
Mar 16, 2022 — All day
2022 International Symposiums Series
This symposium is part of the scientific collaboration between the Education and Languages research group of the Faculty of Education of the University of Ottawa(EducLang) and the Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire de Recherche en Didactique, Éducation et Formation of the University of Montpellier(LIRDEF), in order to bring together Franco-Canadian perspectives on the general theme of linguistic and cultural diversity, whether it is related to the issue of migrant populations or not, particularly in its ethical, affective, social and educational dimensions.
In March 2021, a first symposium was held on this theme, bringing together presentations on the challenges of language in the reception of migrant populations. This symposium will focus on socio-scholastic inequalities and power relations and will extend the reflections of the first symposium. This event, moderated by Francis Bangou, Associate Professor at the University of Ottawa and Brahim Azaoui, Associate Professor at the University of Montpellier, will take place online. This event will be conducted in French.

10:00 - 10:05 AM
Participant login to the virtual meeting room
10:05 - 10:10 AM
Welcome message by symposium organizers
10:10 - 10:30 AM
Dans quelle mesure les classes Passerelle, en France, contribuent-elles à la réduction les écarts d'acquisition et de socialisation ?
Frédéric Torterat, Professor, LIRDEF, Faculty of Education, University of Montpellier
Yves Soulé, Associate Professor,LIRDEF, Faculty of Education, University of Montpellier
Summary: This paper examines the extent to which the "Passerelle" program in France (Villain & Gossot, 2000; Torterat et al., 2019) increases the chances of success for pre-elementary school students by systematizing a rapprochement between the school and both families and other social actors (social work, maternal assistance and health). Concretely, numerous studies establish that the inclusive reception conditions of young children, during the 20-26 to 40 months following birth, significantly influence their abilities to enter into early literacy learning (Maso-Taulère, 2005; Delahaye, 2015; Hackett et al., 2020). During this period, collaborations, within the pre-elementary school, between families and early childhood social actors constitute a determining factor, both for the child's socialization and for his cognitive-discursive acquisitions (Hudelot et al., 2010; Canut, Masson & Leroy, 2018).The present study, with an empirical approach, will lead us to expose the results of a collaborative research conducted from 2017 to 2021 based on indicators that allow us to establish that the Passerelle class, generally from socially vulnerable contexts, enter elementary school with scores comparable to the median scores observed on the globality of students.
10:35 - 10:55 AM
Gestes professionnels et diversité ethnolinguistique : les défis éducationnels en milieu minoritaire
Carole Fleuret, Full Professor, Faculty of Education, University of Ottawa
Summary: In a minority Francophone context, the issues surrounding immigrant students remain significant, given the prevailing sociolinguistic context. The fear of assimilation into English sclerotises the vision of a plural Francophonie and leaves very little room for ethnolinguistic diversity. In this presentation, we want to discuss teachers' actions and the scope of the professional gesture in the appropriation of the language of schooling in Ontario's francophone schools.
11:00 - 11:20 AM
Comment les élèves du primaire en immersion française au Canada perçoivent-ils l’utilité de la littérature jeunesse bilingue ?
Joël Thibeault, Associate Professor, Faculty of Education, University of Ottawa
Summary: At the last colloquium between the University of Ottawa and the University of Montpellier, we presented the results of a research project on the use of French-English bilingual books by French immersion elementary school students. While at that event we focused on the reading strategies they used when reading such works (Thibeault & Matheson, 2021), this time we will look at the perceived usefulness of this medium for these young readers. The perception of usefulness, an essential component of several theoretical models aimed at describing students' motivation to learn a given content (Fréchette-Simard, Plante, Dubeau and Duchesne, 2019), will therefore serve as a springboard for understanding the socio-affective relationship that may unite primary school learners with bilingual literature and for proposing didactic avenues for teachers to integrate it into their practices in a bi/plurilingual educational context. More specifically, through a presentation of data from individual interviews conducted with students following their reading of bilingual books, we will see that, for them, such works give them the opportunity to go beyond the monolingual culture that prevails in immersion classrooms (Cormier, 2018) and thus connect the languages that make up their linguistic repertoire.
11:25 - 11:45 AM
Communication interpersonnelle d’enseignantes et enseignants de première année du primaire avec des élèves fragiles dans des classes efficientes en écriture : un indicateur d’équité de l’enseignement ?
Hélène Castany-Owhadi, Associate Professor, LIRDEF, Faculty of Education, University of Montpellier
Summary: Communication in a school context is unequal: the teacher occupies a high position and his or her power is a condition for being able to teach. Since power is not an attribute of the actors but a relationship of exchange, thus of negotiation between individuals, we are interested in didactic interactions within the framework of an exploratory study with a descriptive aim: we study the interpersonal communication of two experienced teachers of first grade of primary school in two classes efficient in writing from our thesis corpus, the data coming from the research Lire et Ecrire au CP. Our framework of analysis refers to conversational linguistics based on the study of markers of the "horizontal" axis (proximity/distance) and the "vertical" axis (equality/hierarchy). The analysis of these "relationèmes" allows us to highlight that the teachers in our study do not exercise a form of "authoritarian authority" towards the fragile students but an "educational authority" which engages them in a relationship of influence: the latter are taken into account as authors, the management of the interpersonal relationship being permanently negotiated with a concern for the sparing of faces, a principle of educability carried by these teachers as well as a proximity in the exchanges.
11:45 AM - 12:00 PM
Question period and closing remarks
Brahim Azaoui, Associate Professor, Faculty of Education, University of Montpellier
Francis Bangou, Associate Professor, Faculty of Education, University of Ottawa

Hélène Castany-Owhadi
Associate Professor of the University of Montpellier
Hélène Castany-Owhadi is an associate professor in Linguistics at the Faculty of Education of the University of Montpellier (Perpignan site), attached to the LIRDEF. Her work is at the crossroads of linguistics, the didactics of French as a first language and the analysis of teaching work. She is interested in the didactic interactions in the first learning of writing within the framework of two devices: the writing production workshop and the collective revision of writings on a TBI. She is particularly interested in oral reformulation in the context of her thesis and in the equity of teaching. She is a member of the RESEIDA network.

Carole Fleuret
Full Professor
Carole Fleuret is a full professor at the Faculty of Education at the University of Ottawa. She has a Ph.D. and a Master's degree in Education Sciences, with a didactic option in French, as well as a Bachelor's degree in Orthopedagogy from the University of Montréal. Her research focuses on second language didactics, plurilingual repertoires and multilingualism. She conducts studies on the appropriation of the writing, among other things, on orthographic development and on the socio-cognitive and cultural components involved in written socialization among minority populations from an intercultural perspective. She is also interested in the different models of reception services for newcomers.

Yves Soulé
Associate Professor of the University of Montpellier
Yves Soulé is an associate professor in Lingusitics at the Faculty of Education of the University of Montpellier. A member of the LIRDEF, he participated in the development of the model of professional gestures and the teacher's multiagenda under the direction of D. Bucheton. He is interested in the development of language in kindergarten, in the verbal work of the teacher, in the articulation between disciplinary didactics (reading-writing, literature) and professional didactics (analysis of the activity).

Joël Thibeault
Associate Professor
Joël Thibeault is an associate professor in the Faculty of Education at the University of Ottawa, and adjunct professor at the University of Regina. His research focuses on the teaching and learning of French grammar within francophone minority settings, the use of children’s literature in the teaching of linguistic conventions, and the integrated teaching of French and English at school. In this regard, he received a grant from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council to conduct a study on the integrated teaching of French and English grammar.

Frédéric Torterat
Professor at the University of Montpellier
Frédéric Torterat is a professor at the University of Montpellier and Assistant Director of LIRDEF. He has been working since 2008 on the acquisition and socialization processes of young children. He is interested in the paths, representations and discourses of social actors working in this field.