The second year medical students spend a week in ophthalmology as part of their ambulatory rotation.
Sample of schedule
The list of objectives can be found at Ophthalmology Objective Distribution (see below). Students are required to work their way through these objectives, ask questions and seek guidance from the tutors they will be working with. As each of the students will encounter a slightly different schedule and may have had differing past experiences, they should use these objectives as a self-study guide and seek help in the areas you may feel deficient. Above all they should not be afraid to ask questions.
Students are largely positioned at the Riverside Eye Care Centre and CHEO, with some exposure to ophthalmology at the Eye Institute. Many of the students will find themselves at private offices around the city. Tutors are donating their time and effort to expose the students to the fundamentals of ophthalmology and an eye exam.
Students must review their schedule closely as there are students A, B and C (listed alphabetically), scheduled to be in various different locations. No experience will be the same, but it is anticipated that all students will have a rich exposure to the eye.
If the student is scheduled for a private office, they should confirm their presence the day prior by contacting the numbers listed to ensure that the tutor hasn’t had a last-minute scheduling change.
There will be two tutorials over the course of the Ambulatory Block on the Red Eye and the Injured Eye. These are exam material, as is Orbital and Periorbital Cellulitis and things that students must know and understand.
Students may have the opportunity of witnessing eye surgery at the Riverside Eye Care Centre. Bear in mind that the patients are awake and listening during their surgery.
In terms of dress code, the days of jeans, running shoes, and baseball caps are now over. The students represent the face of medicine and to gain respect, they must show respect. Shirts and ties are the norm for practitioners, although shirts and sweaters are acceptable. In hospital clinics a clean, pressed lab coat and nametag are mandatory.
Most of the teachers the students will encounter are volunteers and receive no recompense for the time that the students spend with them. The expectation is that the student would review material from the second year Special Senses Block and would arrive with some basic knowledge of ophthalmology. This will assure them that the students have a fundamental knowledge of the eye and give them starting point. Questions for the tutors are always welcome, bearing in mind that they have a clinical practice to run and patients to see and treat. They know that the students have a basic background in ophthalmology from second year and that they will experience tutorials in your third year Ambulatory Block Rotation.
Review material is available at Eyesite website, and the expectation is that the student will review this material prior to their arrival. The Monday morning, after the orientation at 08:00 at the Eye Institute would provide an opportunity to study this material.
These are Ophthalmology Videos available to all medical students to view.
There are a few ways these videos can be found:
Search "Mustafa Kapasi" on YouTube. Links to all videos can be found on this channel.
The links for each specific video have been enclosed below: (Check for Accessibility)
Ophthalmology Objective Distribution
Mandatory Selective Ophthalmology Objectives
10337 |
Recognize issues in medical ophthalmology by describing when it is appropriate to refer a patient to an ophthalmologist. |
10333 |
Describe the common types of uveitis: anterior and posterior and their different etiologies. |
10334 |
Discuss the different glaucomas (congenital, acute angle, angle closure, and secondary) in terms of their etiologies, manifestations, treatment and prognosis. |
10335 |
Distinguish between orbital and periorbital cellulitis and describe the four important signs. |
10336 |
Describe the basic use of diagnostic and therapeutic drugs in ophthalmology. |
10325 |
Demonstrate the approach to a systematic eye exam. |
10326 |
Discuss the principle of pinhole vision. |
10327 |
Demonstrate the ability to use direct ophthalmoscopy. |
10328 |
Demonstrate the ability to use a slit lamp. |
10330 |
Discuss the indications for, and how to perform, a cover test for strabismus. |
10331 |
Discuss the eight steps for assessing a red eye and differentiate between what is serious and what is not. |
10331 |
Differentiate between major and minor eye injuries and know when to refer. |
10324 |
Demonstrate the ability to perform an appropriate history on a patient with an ophthalmic problem. |
10329 |
Describe the different strabismus conditions. |