The way in which communities, societies and the world have thought about and organized themselves in the past are no longer adequate to respond effectively to the global challenges facing human communities. This is particularly the case for global health issues, international migration, climate change management, control of natural resources, “soft power” policies or the coexistence of nationalisms. The Centre on Governance at the University of Ottawa strives to be a forum for study and understanding of these transformations in order to foster the emergence of actions consistent with this understanding. The Global Governance research network therefore focuses on the transformation of governance in the context of globalization while seeking to understand and improve the coordination of governmental and non-governmental actors (private sector and civil society), regulation, and interstate regulation.
Global Governance
The world is rapidly changing before our eyes. These transformations are complex, profound and largely interrelated.
- Sylvie Paquerot, Professor, School of Political Studies, University of Ottawa
- André Laliberté, Professor, School of Political Studies, University of Ottawa
- Denis Langlois, Affiliated Researcher, Centre on Governance
- Gabriel Blouin-Genest, Professor, École de politique appliquée, University of Sherbrooke
- Hélène Pellerin, Professor, School of Political Studies, University of Ottawa
- Velibor Jakovleski, Affiliated Researcher, Centre on Governance