The research focuses on the perceptions of the influx of newcomers into various communities in an era when immigration is a polarizing issue in the Western world. It analyzes the overall context and considers the influence of cultural diversity on how immigrants are welcomed and on current infrastructure to integrate them.
Research Chair on Immigration and Franco-Ontarian Communities
The Chair studies Francophone immigration in Ontario through the unique lens of perceptions of immigration in various Francophone communities in minority settings.
Research program

Luisa Veronis
Associate Professor in Geography, Environment and Geomatics, Faculty of Arts
L'Ontario français expliqué par les immigrants et les immigrantes francophones. Réseau pour l'Immigration Francophone du Centre-Sud-Ouest de l'Ontario Grant. Amount: $15,000. Co-investigators: Monika Jezak (ILOB, U. Ottawa), François Larocque (U. Ottawa), Guillaume Deschênes-Thériault (Ph.D. student in Political Sciences, U. Ottawa).
Expériences comparées sur le marché du travail au sein des communautés francophones en situation minoritaire des populations étudiantes internationale et née au Canada. IRCC Grant. Amount: $84,440.