The 2022–2023 academic year is coming to a close, and the Faculty of Health Sciences has every reason to be proud. The highlight of this year has undoubtedly been our preparations to move into our new building at 200 Lees. While the academic programs of only three of our five schools will be concentrated there, the building will become a crossroads for all members of the Faculty. Each and every one of you will have your place. I hope that all of our colleagues will feel at home in the new building.
The Faculty is growing rapidly. This year, we welcomed six new professors, many members of the administrative personnel, 1,422 undergraduate students and 282 graduate students. We now have 5,545 people enrolled in our programs. On June 9, I had the great pleasure to hand out degrees to 871 graduates during the convocation ceremony.
Our schools have worked diligently to improve our course offerings. In fall 2024, we will offer two new integrated bachelor’s-master’s programs leading to an accelerated dual degree in five years. This includes an Honours Bachelor of Health Sciences with a Master of Health Sciences in Audiology, and an Honours Bachelor of Health Sciences with a Master of Health Sciences in Speech-Language Therapy. We now offer 12 integrated bachelor’s-master’s pathways. As well, the Human Kinetics and Health Sciences programs now offer the possibility of taking part in the CO-OP program.
As their over 800 appearances in the media, 614 published articles and 27,903 citations show, our researchers continue to stand out and make a name for themselves. Moreover, the research office continues to offer them unparalleled support by facilitating interdisciplinary, interfaculty and intersectoral collaboration in five research centres and institutes (I.e., LIFE Research Institute; Centre for Research on Health and Nursing; Music and Health Research Institute; Interdisciplinary Centre for Black Health; Brain and Mind Research Institute).
The Faculty paid particular attention to equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) this year. The mandate of the Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, Accessibility (IDEA) – Anti-Racism and Decolonization (ARD) Committee was approved by members of the Faculty Council in May 2023. As well, EDI principles were incorporated into the preparations for two Tier 2 Canada Research Chair (CRC) positions in the Faculty (in the Interdisciplinary School of Health Sciences and the School of Human Kinetics), the internal calls for applicants for Tier 1 CRCs at the University, and the Diversity and Inclusion Awards.
We also made an effort to improve various business processes. The Faculty purchased Coursetune, a software program to facilitate program of study mapping and report production for the cyclical evaluation of academic programs and accreditation. The Academic Office optimized the process for awarding graduate admission scholarships. We also created a buyer position to offer Faculty researchers better support with complex purchases.
This year, we launched two initiatives to strengthen Faculty communications, both internal and external. The first, an e-newsletter published every term, will share our many achievements. The second, the FHS Hub (login required), is an internal site where you can find Faculty information and key resources with a few clicks or taps.
We’re also continuing our efforts to stand out when it comes to interprofessional collaboration. The programs took part in many exciting activities, including some relying on simulation. These activities bring together students from our faculty, but also others from programs for health care professionals at the University of Ottawa, in the region and around the country.
I’m privileged to be surrounded by a solid leadership team that helps me every day. I’m very grateful for this and sincerely thank all team members for their work. Some terms have come to an end, so I’d like to offer warm thanks to Marijke Taks for her excellent work as vice-dean, research, and to Alexandra Arellano for her major contributions as director, undergraduate studies, at the School of Human Kinetics. I’m pleased to welcome the two people to our team who will take over starting July 1, 2023, Dawn Stacey and François Gravelle. Welcome! I can’t wait to work with you.
I’m starting my second term as dean, and I’d like the next year to be one of celebration! Thanks to your combined efforts, the Faculty has thrived. So we need to take the time to get together, congratulate each other and savour the moment. Here’s an overview of what we can expect in the coming year: the official opening of the new building (September 28, 2023), the inauguration of the Marie des Anges Loyer classroom, the celebration of a major donation to the School of Nursing (October 10, 2023), the 90th anniversary of that School (fall 2023 and winter 2024), the Dean’s Awards of Excellence ceremony (December 7, 2023), the 30th anniversary of the Audiology and Speech Language Pathology program and the 20th anniversary of the Interdisciplinary School of Health Sciences (in 2024). For more on these events, check the FHS Hub or our website regularly.
Finally, I thank you once more for all of your hard, relentless work. I have to pinch myself to believe that I’m part of this wonderful faculty and team. Enjoy the summer. Take the time to rest and, especially, to spoil yourselves.