students taking notes

Improving preparation and transition to clerkship

Learn about the curricular reform project to improve the transition to clerkship.

The transition to clerkship represents a crucial time in the four year medical doctorate program. The current undergraduate medical curriculum at the University of Ottawa underwent complete renewal more than ten years ago. With the implementation of the Entrustable Professional Activities (EPAs) in Canadian medical school curriculums, it is an opportune time to review our current curriculum structure. The main objective of this project is to develop a survey for medical students that would help gather their opinions and suggestions on curricular reform in Unit IV (Integration). This project includes a literature review, establishing a validated survey questionnaire and focus group guide as well as consent forms, letter of intent and research and ethics board application.

This project represents the first phase of a two phase project. Phase two will consist of dissemination of the survey to gather student opinion as well as analysis of the data and presentation to the CCRC. Phase two will take place in the Fall of 2020.

The project can be done in French or English.