Traditionally, medical student feedback about teachers, courses or rotations is collected in two ways;
- Individual teacher assessments indicating the teacher gave an excellent lecture, or for example had too many slides, or didn’t cover the objectives for example.
- End of unit / rotation evaluations that provides comments retrospectively on issues with work environment, objectives, evaluation concerns.
There are limited opportunities for students to contribute actionable input on what skills they wish teachers could improve or which teaching delivery methods they would like to see incorporated into their curriculum.
The Office of CPD recognizes the need to involve medical students as key stakeholders when planning faculty development programs and a formal faculty development curriculum.
This project will serve a major role to involve medical students in the selection and design of future faculty development program topics for 2020-2021 and set the stage to facilitate ongoing input from students into faculty development curriculum. The key objective of the project is to answer the question; what do students need or want our UGME teachers to do better, in both preclerkship and clerkship. In addition, students will be asked what methods of learning delivery do they prefer and wish to see adopted or expanded.
The student will work with supervisors and will be primarily responsible for conducting interviews of medical students and faculty members using an OHSRN-REB approved semi-structured interview template. The student will receive training on thematic coding of interviews and qualitative methods. The student will also work on a literature review on this topic to underpin a scholarly report.
The interested student should have an interest in medical education, and faculty development that includes teaching skills training for faculty members. The ideal candidate will be proficient in English and French (fluent bilingualism is not mandatory), be able to work independently including to schedule and conduct interviews with medical students.
The student will have an opportunity to work closely with experts in medical education in the Office of Continuing Professional Development in the Faculty of Medicine Dr. Lochnan has a consistent track record of ensuring their medical students have opportunities to present and publish their projects. And has supervised two previous student innovation first prize award winners.