Pragmatic. Rigorous. Real.

About the program

This unique Master’s Program in Environmental Sustainability prepares students to address the complex and interconnected environmental challenges facing our society today.

These challenges are multi-faceted – they do not fit within one particular discipline. To be effective, solutions must be developed using integrated, systems-based thinking and by professionals with the pragmatic skills to translate ideas into action. Our interdisciplinary Master’s program is designed to fill a growing need for sustainability professionals who can influence decision-making through a deep understanding of the environmental challenges and the interconnected processes through which they persist.

Channel your passion for the environment and tackle today’s environmental challenges.

Be it in governance, economics or simply living together, finding innovative solutions to the multifaceted environmental challenges our world faces requires a thorough understanding of where problems come from and why they persist. This program will equip you with the skills to integrate knowledge from key disciplines in environmental sustainability, critically evaluate sustainability policies, develop sustainability plans and strategies, and shape environmental decision-making and creative problem-solving. Many program graduates have successful careers as policy advisers or analysts, leaders of sustainable community initiatives, researchers at think tanks or entrepreneurs.

Gain practical experience in developing actionable solutions.

This unique multidisciplinary program is taught using an experiential approach. The Institute of the Environment has created a capstone project course that lets you work with sustainability professionals on developing tangible solutions to complex real-world environmental challenges. This is combined with a course on professional skills to support your integration in the workplace. You can also choose the CO-OP option, which will enable you to complete two paid work terms and grow your network.

Learn from industry experts at the Institute of the Environment.

The Institute of the Environment is nationally renowned for its Smart Prosperity Institute, a green think tank leading the charge on Canada’s transition to a more sustainable economy. You can learn from SPI experts and collaborate on some of its many research projects bringing together key stakeholders from across disciplines.

Program information

Find a thesis supervisor

You will want to start with finding details on the research interests of professors on the websites of faculties, schools and institutes.
Thesis supervision

Contact us

Institute of the Environment

University of Ottawa
120 University (6005)
Ottawa, ON K1N 6N5

[email protected]