Learn more about reporting your publications to the André E. Lalonde AMS Laboratory.

Reporting publication

Researchers are asked to report any publications based on work they performed, in whole or in part, at the AEL-AMS facility. The list of the publications reported to the AEL-AMS facility is an important factor in our funding and is taken into account during peer review of research proposals.

Acknowledging AEL

Researchers are asked to acknowledge the accelerator, as well as the participation of any laboratory staff who may have assisted in any aspect of an experiment, and include the following statement (or similar) when presenting results from the AEL-AMS laboratory.

Results from AEL

Part or all of the research described in this paper was performed at the AEL-AMS laboratory, a national research facility hosted at the University of Ottawa, which is supported by the Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI), the Major Science Initiatives (MSI), and the University of Ottawa.

Please report publications to [email protected].

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the lab administration [email protected].