The research gauged the opinions among Canadian on the oil and gas sector, more particularly how important they are to Canada’s current and future economy, expanding oil and gas exports, and support for growth in the oil and gas sector and the renewable energy sector. Questions were also asked on the government’s performance in providing clear regulation for investors building energy infrastructure to meet climate objectives, and in decision making on energy and climate change.
Views on the oil and gas sector and the investment climate for energy infrastructure to meet Canada’s climate objectives
A public opinion survey by Positive Energy and Nanos Research published in Spring 2023.

The survey
The findings
Views on the oil and gas sector
- Important or oil and gas to Canada’s economy on the rise: A majority of Canadians rate the oil and gas sector as important (score 7-10 out of 10) to Canada’s current economy and future economy. Important is steadily increasing over time.
- Contribution of oil and gas to energy security: About three in five Canadians agree (35%) or somewhat agree (27%) that Canada should expand oil and gas exports to help the world have more secure energy supplies. Men are almost two times more likely to agree with this (47%) compared to women (24%).
- Contribution of oil and gas to combatting climate change: Similar to levels of agreement for oil and gas’ contribution to secure energy supplies, about three in five Canadians agree (32%) or somewhat agree (31%) that Canada’s oil and gas sector can contribute to combatting global climate change.
- Support for growth of oil and gas sector: A majority of Canadians support (35%) or somewhat support (23%) growth in the oil and gas sector in Canada, which is an increase from the previous wave in July 2020 (29% support, 23% somewhat support).
Views on government performance
- Governments’ performance at providing policy/regulatory environment for energy infrastructure investment to meet climate objectives: Canadians are over fives time more likely to rate the job done by governments at providing a clear, predictable and competitive policy and regulatory environment for investors building energy infrastructure to help Canada meet its climate change targets as very poor (21%) or poor (23%) than very good (1%) or good (7%).
- Majority rates job done by federal and provincial governments cooperating as very poor/poor: Almost six in ten Canadians say that the federal and provincial governments do a very poor/poor job of cooperating on decision making on energy (23% very poor, 34% poor) and cooperating on decision-making on climate change (22% very poor, 35% poor).
- Federal government more trusted in creating environment for investors building energy infrastructure: Over four in ten Canadians (42%) say they trust the federal government most at creating positive environment for investors building energy infrastructure to help Canada meet its climate change targets, while over one in three (36% trust their provincial government the most. About one in five (22%) are unsure.