User fees are used to offset some of the expenses incurred in the operation of the facility. Operation includes service contracts for equipment that ensure efficient preventive maintenance and repairs.

PCIC fees and billing

User fees are used to offset some of the expenses incurred in the operation of the facility. Operation includes service contracts for equipment that ensure efficient preventive maintenance and repairs.

For billing, each principal investigator will be invoiced with details of the charges incurred. Charges are tracked based on online reservations made with the equipment scheduler. It is the responsibility of the user to accurately log all use. Invoices are sent out quarterly at the beginning of the following months: July, October, January, and April.

MRI is charged based on the time using the MRI equipment including directly related procedures necessary for the scanning. Time starts at MRI machine preparation (usually around 5-10 mins) followed immediately by first animal preparation and ends when last animal is done and back in cage and data is transferred (immediately after the scan is done (about 2 mins). If animal preparation is done by ACVS technician, extra fee for ACVS technician time will be applied at $35/hour between 7 am and 3 pm and $70/hour outside these hours as per ACVS charging schedule.

Please review the current PCIC Billing Policy (PCIC Billing Policy, 117.12 KB) .

Please note that PCIC has transitioned to Infinity (Idea Elan). Supplies will now be charged through this system. Instructions will be provided.

Rates effective as of June 1, 2024

New fees will be applied to all new imaging requests starting June 1, 2024.

Equipment useNewton 7.0 FT500IR-VIVO   VEVO 2100  X-RAD 320 Iconeus One 256MRI1
Ext. Academic / Government$95/hr$95/hr$95/hr$90/hr$90/hr$500/hr
Training***Newton 7.0 FT500IR-VIVO  VEVO 2100 X-RAD 320Iconeus One 256MRI1
Internal$100 flat fee$100 flat fee$100 flat fee$100 flat fee$100 flat feeN/A
Ext. Academic / Government$150 flat fee$150 flat fee$150 flat fee$150 flat fee$150 flat feeN/A
Post-Processing Time** / Consultation*Newton 7.0 FT500IR-VIVO  VEVO 2100 X-RAD 320Iconeus One 256MRI1
Ext. Academic / Government$75/30min$75/30min$75/30min$75/30min$75/30min$75/30min
Industry$125/30min$125/30min$125/30min$125/30min$125/30minContact PCIC

* First hour of consultation is free.

** Post-processing refers to data processing beyond simple transfer of data for use (analysis, advanced transformations, preparing images in presentable format etc.)

***The training session is designed to give full attention to the trainee with giving the opportunity to handle the equipment while in training. Therefore the training fee applies to one trainee per equipment.

1After a total amount of $2,500 is reached within 6 months per lab, the MRI fee will be reduced by 50% for the following 6 months. For example, $300/h will become $150/h.

The rates for University of Ottawa researchers and affiliates are lower than those of outside users, due to a subsidy provided by University of Ottawa for its own scientists.

The Core does not charge for the housing, care of laboratory animals or surgical/technical expertise and expendables. These rates will be charged independently by ACVS.

Cancellation policy

Cancellation of booking close to the start will be billed as follows:

  • less than 24 hours before the start, 1 hour at full rate