As one may expect, the transport of dangerous goods may require additional authorization to be obtained. Both regulatory requirements and internal policies require additional approvals to be sought.

Authorization requirements

These are put in place to ensure only authorized persons may receive the material and that the appropriate permits and licences are obtained to ensure an expedient transfer of material. Failure to obtain these authorizations may result in your shipment being stuck in customs, seized and the involvement of the RCMP or other regulatory bodies.

Situations which may engage this additional step are those that involve:

  • controlled goods
  • biological samples and/or pathogenic, infectious materials
  • radioactive materials
  • international shipments
  • Dangerous goods shipments

Contact the following persons for assistance

Controlled Goodsext. 3056[email protected]
Biological Materialsext. 3153[email protected]
Radioactive Materialsext. 3057[email protected]
International Shipmentsext. 3058[email protected]
Faculty representative please contactext. 3058[email protected]

Transport of dangerous good placards

Dangerous goods safety marks give a quick identification of dangerous goods in the event of an emergency situation such as an accident or an accidental release of dangerous goods from a means of containment.

Dangerous goods safety marks are also an awareness tool for people involved in transportation, including truck drivers, train crews, loading dock workers, reception personnel at a lab or a hospital and aircraft loading personnel.

Generally, labels are displayed on small means of containment and placards are displayed on large means of containment.

Each class of dangerous goods has assigned to it a label, a placard or both. The labels and placards are illustrated below. Also illustrated is the DANGER placard, the oxidizing gas label and placard, the elevated temperature sign, the fumigation sign, the marine pollutant mark and the orange panel. The size requirements for the signs, the marine pollutant mark and the orange panel are also provided.

For a complete read and listing of other placards visit the Transport Canada TDG clear regs act (section 4)

Shipping and receiving

TDG requires personnel who are preparing for shipment, shipping or receiving hazardous goods to be trained. Training certificates expire every three (3) years. In addition, persons shipping by Air require IATA training.

Personnel who do not possess a TDG certificate are not permitted to prepare, receive or sign shipping documents for dangerous goods.

Use the following chart as a guide for training requirements for shipments:

Air1, 2, 31, 21, 2, 4
Ground1, 2, 311, 2, 4
  1. Basic TDG Course for ground shipments (prerequisite for all other sessions)
  2. TDG/IATA for air shipments (prerequisite for infectious and radioactive materials classe goods)
  3. TDG for infectious goods (Class 6.2)
  4. TDG for Radioactive Materials (Class 7)


The University's TDG Shipping Declaration must be used when sending hazardous goods. A copy of the shipping declaration must be sent to ORM (ext 5892).

  • If shipping radio active materials, the Radiation Safety Specialist must be contacted. Strict regulations apply to nuclear safety officers who ship these materials.
  • If shipping infectious materials, the Biosafety Specialist must be contacted. Strict regulations apply to these materials.
  • ORM makes all arrangements for shipping hazardous waste.

The Shipping Declaration form contains must be completed for transport and must generally include certain items. Note: there are additional requirements for certain Classes. Refer to your TDG training to correctly complete the form.


  • Verify that the package is not leaking or otherwise damaged. If there is leakage, contact your ORM representative who will contact the sender's emergency number. Never accept a damaged or leaking package.
  • Confirm that the packing slip matches the contents. If they do not match, the intended recipient of the package must confirm that the contents will not be accepted before returning the package to the supplier.
  • Sign the Sender's Shipping Declaration provided by the delivery company once the package is confirmed to be in good order. You must have a valid TDG certificate in order to sign. If the carrier does not provide a document to sign, you are not required to request one unless your Purchasing Department requires one. Keep a copy for your files as a Transport Canada inspector can request to view these documents
  • Store the package according to WHMIS requirements until the receiver picks up the package.

The University of Ottawa is registered with CANUTEC (A division of Transport Canada). They provide a telephone service to help with emergency response situations relating to TDG.

Contact CANUTEC 24 Hours/Day
Emergency: (613) 996-6666 (call collect) Cellular: * 666 (Canada only) 
Information: (613) 992-4624 (call collect) Fax: (613) 954-5101 



In order to inform employees of the TDG requirements and perform its duty as an employer, TDG training is mandatory for all University of Ottawa personnel preparing for shipment, shipping, or receiving dangerous good.

The training will cover among other subjects:

  • the use of classification criteria and shipping names;
  • shipping documents and paperwork;
  • dangerous goods safety marks;
  • how to react in case of an accidental release;
  • safe handling and transportation practices, including the characteristics of the dangerous goods;
  • proper use of any equipment used to handle or transport the dangerous goods;
  • special requirements regarding biohazadous and radioactive goods; and
  • shipping hazardous waste according to Ontario regulations.

Sequence of training requirements

  • Basic TDG Course for ground shipments (prerequisite for all other sessions)
  • TDG for Drivers
  • TDG/IATA for air shipments (prerequisite for infectious and radioactive materials classe goods)
  • TDG for infectious goods (Class 6.2)
  • TDG for Radioactive Materials (Class 7)

Register for TDG courses