Since its founding, OLBI has established innovative and dynamic partnerships with organisations in Canada and across the globe. These partnerships are central in enhancing our links with institutions that share our core principles and values and our continued commitment to transformative learning and cutting-edge research.
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European Centre for Modern Languages of the Council of Europe (ECML)

The ECML aims to encourage excellence and innovation in language teaching by promoting dialogue and supporting program-related networks and research projects. OLBI is proud to be designated National Contact Point at the ECML for Canada.


Canadian Association of Second Language Teachers (CASLT)

CASLT fosters and advances professional excellence in the teaching of languages in Canada by creating opportunities for professional development, by implementing research projects, and by facilitating dialogue among language educators.

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Languages Canada

Languages Canada is Canada’s national language education association representing more than 210 language education programs across Canada. Languages Canada is recognized by the Canadian government and internationally. Their mission is to promote quality, accredited English and French language education in Canada, both nationally and internationally.

International Association of Language Commissioners (IALC)

International Association of Language Commissioners (IALC)

The role of the IALC is to support and advance language rights, equality and diversity throughout the world and to support language commissioners so they may work to the highest professional standards.

National Languages Equality Advancement Project in Sri Lanka (NLEAP)

National Languages Equality Advancement Project in Sri Lanka (NLEAP)

NLEAP is a major project, funded by the Government of Canada, designed to assist Sri Lanka in strengthening its Official Languages Policy and its efforts toward reconciliation and national unity. OLBI is proud to draw on its expertise in support of Sri Lanka as it puts linguistic rights, human rights and gender equality front and centre for all its citizens.

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Canadian Association of Immersion Professionals ACPI

ACPI supports and enriches immersive pedagogy by providing educators with training, research and networking services, thereby contributing to the promotion and development of a bilingual Canada.

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Fédération Internationale des Professeurs de Français (FIPF)

The FIPF works to promote the diversity and vitality of the Francophonie around the world and champions research in French language education to elevate best practices and effectively respond to the needs of French educators.

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Other partnerships

Visit the CCERBAL and Resources sections of our website for a list of additional OLBI partners, strategic networks and useful resources.