OLBI offers a suite of language tests for a variety of stakeholders and purposes. We follow international best practice in test design, administration, scoring and reporting procedures.

About the certification

The Official Languages and Bilingualism Institute (OLBI) offers a certificate of second language proficiency, which gives students an opportunity to have their abilities in English or French formally recognized.

To take the test, students must first enrol in an online self-study course (FLS 3500 for French as a Second Language or ESL 3100 for English as a Second Language). This self-study course allows students to practice and to improve their language skills using a variety of selected resources.


  • The units associated with ESL 3100 and FLS 3500 are recognized as elective units only within the Bachelor of Commerce programs.
  • ESL 3100 is a program requirement for the Bachelor of Arts program with a major in ESL but does not count as program units.
  • FLS 3500 is a program requirement for the Bachelor of Arts program with a major in FLS and the French Immersion Stream but does not count as program units. 

Final exam