Four mandatory self-learning modules (SLM) on various professionalism issues will be spread over the last two years of your medical education program as part of the clerkship professionalism curriculum. Topics covered will include mistreatment, breaches, boundary issues, consent, capacity and dealing with the disruptive physician.

The Undergraduate Medical Education Office will contact you to inform you of the module to be completed periodically.

Mistreatment and Disruptive Behaviour in the Learning Environment

  • Describe different types of mistreatment in the clinical setting, as well as approaches for addressing and reporting mistreatment. (K; Pr1, Pe4)
  • Complete an Incident Report and explain what happens once the report is submitted. (S; Pr1, Pe1)
  • List examples of disruptive physician behaviour, explain the repercussions of disruptive behaviour, and describe strategies to prevent such behaviours from occurring. (K; Pr1, Pe1)

Communication in the Healthcare Environment

  • Describe the importance of communication in the healthcare environment. (K; Cl1, Cm3)
  • List ways to ensure you are a successful member of the healthcare team. (K; Cl1, Cm1)
  • Manage potential communication challenges you may face as a clerkship student. (S; Cm1, Co2)
  • Define an approach to giving and receiving feedback effectively in clinical practice. (K; Cm3, Co2)
  • Explain the importance of confidentiality in the healthcare environment and when it can be breached. (K; Pr2, Pr1)

Ethical Principles – Informed Consent and End-of-Life Care Module

  • Describe how to obtain informed consent. (K; Pr1, Cm1)
  • Summarize the debate around end-of-life care and state principles around medical assistance in dying (MAID). (K; Pr1, Pr4)
  • State the medical student’s role in end-of-life care discussions. (K; Pr1, Cm1)

Introduction to Boundaries

  • Identify boundary crossings and boundary violations. (K; Pr1, Pr2)
  • Apply the guidelines provided by various Canadian regulatory bodies with respect to boundary crossings, which include sharing information about one’s personal life, using social media, interacting with members of the medical industry, receiving gifts from patients, and treating family members. (S; Pr1, Pr2)