The Rotation Director reports to the Associate Dean of UGME through the Director of the Clerkship (yrs 3and 4) and to their respective Dept Chair as appropriate.

Clerkship Rotation Director Role

The Clerkship Rotation Director will:

  1. Coordinate the clinical placements for all students assigned to the rotation.
  2. Review, with their counterpart from the other language stream, the objectives of the rotation and bring any changes to the attention of the Clerkship Director. Objectives must be identical in both language streams as per accreditation standards.
  3. Coordinate the didactic curriculum, preferably as an academic half day per week and ensure it is available for students rotating at distant sites.
  4. Oversee content development and revision of the Web-Based Curriculum in the rotation. All administrative aspects of the rotation should be available electronically to students.
  5. Determine content and facilitate tracking of essential clinical encounters (T-clerk).
  6. Meet all students at the beginning of each rotation for orientation and again for feedback and discussion approx half way through the rotation.
  7. The rotation director must ensure that all students receive formative written feedback at approximately the mid-point of the rotation. The rotation director must meet with any student who is not meeting expectations and provide a written report, signed by the student, that enables the student to understand and address their deficiencies. The Director of the Clerkship should be informed of any issues regarding academic concerns, professionalism or attendance.
  8. Distribute a formative exam and, towards the end of the Block, meet with all students to prepare them for the summative examination.
  9. Summarize the student clinical evaluations, provide each student an opportunity to discuss their clinical evaluation and prepare the Rotation Director Evaluation for the Medical Student Performance Record.
  10. With their counterpart from the other language stream, construct the final examination including both multiple choice and short answer /Clinical Decision Making questions. Directors must meet the Faculty calendar of operations for the exam to be edited and translated. The Francophone director is responsible to review the translation to confirm that questions are equivalent in both languages. The directors are also responsible for marking the examination. The exam of any student with a failing mark should be reviewed prior to the promotion committee meeting. The directors will review student evaluations of the examination and make improvements as needed for the next examination.
  11. Attend the Clerkship Promotions Committee Meetings to bring forward the student examination marks and clinical evaluations for approval.
  12. Meet with the student and set remediation as needed in preparation for re-take or supplemental examination or repetition of clinical time.
  13. Identify students with the highest standing in the rotation on an annually and attend the Award of Excellence Ceremony to present award.
  14. Review requests from students to complete their core rotations at DME sites according to the policy for rural rotations, and assist the DME Director in the accreditation of sites including site visits as necessary.
  15. Respond to requests for absence and reports all such requests to the medical education office according to the Absence Policy.
  16. Attend monthly Clerkship Committee meetings and ad hoc UGME retreats relevant to Clerkship (usually once or twice per year).
  17. Supervise the activities of the administrative co-ordinator of the rotation.
  18. Solicit student evaluations of faculty members involved in delivering curriculum and clinical preceptors. Forward evaluations to the faculty members individually and provide aggregate data for year end report to Clerkship Directors.
  19. Solicit student evaluation of the rotation regarding curriculum, clinical placements and organisation. Forward aggregate data in the form of a year end report to the Clerkship Director with suggestions on how to improve the rotation.
  20. Prepare a review of the rotation for Accreditation and participate in other accreditation activities as required by the Faculty of Medicine.
  21. Be aware of national trends in undergraduate education relevant to their specialty.

    The Undergraduate Education Director or Clerkship Director within a department may also:
  22. Identify the best resident and Staff teachers for recognition within the Department.
  23. Facilitate the placement of Year 1-4 elective/selective students from University of Ottawa and Visiting Medical Students.
  24. Chair the Departmental Undergraduate Education Committee.
  25. Organize rotation lectures in the Back to Basic LMCC Review Course.