The University of Ottawa Brain and Mind Research Institute (uOBMRI) engages over 270 active members, including researchers, post-doctoral fellows, and graduate students.

The uOBMRI is a dynamic hub for internationally recognized research, coordinating interdisciplinary research and training efforts involving eight university faculties and six affiliated hospital research institutes.

The uOBMRI’s strength is in the way it brings together outstanding researchers and research trainees from across disciplines, institutions, and communities to identify and address important research questions on the brain and mind in health and disease. The uOBMRI focuses on critical issues and leverages its extensive network of members and partners to advance new knowledge and create innovations for the health and well-being of individuals and society. 

Dr. Paul Albert standing and smiling with his lab members.

270+ Total Members

From across multiple facilities, partners, and areas of expertise
Dr. Lara Pilutti working in her health sciences lab with her trainees

8 Faculties

Including uOttawa Faculties of Medicine, Science, Social Sciences, Health Sciences, Education, Art, Engineering, and Law
Dr. Amy Hsu smiling and showing information on an iPad to a woman and her adult son.

6 Partners

Including Bruyère Continuing Care/BRI, CHEO/CHEO-RI, The Royal/IMHR, Hôpital Montfort/ISM, The Ottawa Hospital/OHRI, and University of Ottawa Heart Institute

uOBMRI Membership Guidelines

Membership Categories

Membership Category Renewal Cycle Membership Process/Requirements

Primary Members

Clinicians or Scientists who have major research activities directed towards institute projects/platforms. This includes pillar leads and members of uOBMRI Committees

Every 5 yrs. Must carry a faculty position in an Ottawa postsecondary institution (i.e., University of Ottawa, Carleton University, or Université du Québec en Outaouais, etc.).

Associate Members

Clinical/Technical Experts, Project Coordinators and Research Associates who are actively collaborating with a Primary member whose core research activities are directed to uOBMRI projects or initiative

Every 5 yrs. Active collaboration can include but is not limited to the following: collaborating on a grant application, pillar meeting, uOBMRI events and initiatives.

Membership Benefits 

Benefits Primary Members Associate Members
Access to Funding Opportunities Eligible to apply for funding for research purposes. (NOTE: Team Grant applications must be multi-institutional and multi-disciplinary in nature.) May be named on grants as co-applicants. Not eligible to apply for funding for research purposes without an association with a Primary Member
Access to Scholarship and Fellowship opportunities for trainees                        ✔  
Invited to lead Research Spotlights/Mini Symposiums to highlight collaborative and networking opportunities with support from uOBMRI team                        ✔  
Invited to participate at uOBMRI Internal Events (networking, seminars, spotlights, workshops, etc.)                        ✔                        ✔
Receives uOBMRI Newsletter and Annual Reporting                        ✔                        ✔
Receives uOBMRI Email Announcements (Internal)                        ✔                        ✔

Summary of Criteria for Membership and Membership Renewal

Basic Criteria

1. A major interest in brain and mind-related expertise.

2. Leads a research program relevant to brain and mind-related research (publications, presentations, awards, etc.)

3. Prospective members must be approved by the uOBMRI Director.

Renewal Criteria

1. All members are encouraged to actively participate in uOBMRI events, serve on institute committees, projects, and initiatives.

2. Acknowledge the uOBMRI in published works, presentations and press releases.

3. Membership remains active by responding to membership renewal requests from the uOBMRI team every two years.

The next request for renewal will take place between October and December 2023.


1. Opportunities for project funding based on criteria and approval by the grant review committee

2. Opportunities to participate in collaborative uOBMRI Projects.

3. Receive updates on education and fundraising initiatives within the research community.

4. Programs and groups within the uOBMRI that facilitate interactions and provide direction to brain and mind research activity within Ottawa.

Membership Process

Membership Application

1. Membership applications may be submitted at any time throughout the year.

2. Prospective members must submit a letter of intent describing their research experience and intent for uOBMRI collaboration AND a current curriculum vitae. Requests should be submitted to Candace Fortier at [email protected]

Click here to view and download the uOBMRI Membership Guidelines in PDF format.