OISB is home to 47 Investigators working on diverse aspects of systems biology research.

Research at the OISB

Our researchers

OISB is home to 47 Investigators working on diverse aspects of systems biology research, which aims to understand how seemingly distinct processes in the cell are interconnected. Work in systems biology frequently uses high-throughput and computational approaches with the aim of improving the diagnosis and treatment of disease, as well as addressing unmet needs in the area of biotechnology. The OISB holds particular strengths in “-omics” technologies and network analysis, mitochondrial biology and energy metabolism, model systems of disease, and chromatin structure and function. 

Our funding

Research in the OISB is funded by the Canadian Institute of Health Research (CIHR), the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), and diverse private funding organizations (e.g. Canadian Cancer Society Research Institute, Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada, ALS Canada).

Our collaborators

Our members collaborate widely throughout Canada and internationally. We also have a formal collaborative agreement with the Digital Technologies and Human Health and Therapeutics divisions of the National Research Council (NRC). This unique agreement, launched in 2021, is designed to expand our research capacities and extend logistical support to joint research projects that provide unique training experiences for graduate students and postdoctoral fellows.    

Contact us

Ottawa Institute of Systems Biology

University of Ottawa
Health Sciences Campus
Room 3510
451 Smyth Road
Ottawa, ON K1H 8M5
Phone: (613) 562-5800
Email: [email protected]