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Principal investigators


Alain, Tommy  (mRNA translation, viral immunotherapies, cancer biology)


Bennett, Steffany  (Lipidomics, bioinformatics, neurobiology)

Berman, Jason  (Genetic and xenotransplantation models of cancers and rare diseases)

Blais, Alexandre  (Muscle development, transcription, and chromatin regulation)


Chan, Kin  (Cancer biology, model systems, mutation signatures)

Cook, David  (Cancer biology, cellular plasticity, single-cell genomics)

Côté, Marceline  (Viral signaling, intracellular trafficking)

Couture, Jean-François  (Structural biology, X-ray crystallography, chromatin regulation)

Cuperlovic-Culf, Miroslava - Associate member  (Computational biology, bioinformatics, metabolomics, systems biology, applied data mining, machine learning, NMR spectroscopy)


D'Amours, Damien  (Chromosome structure, regulation of cell division, DNA repair, chromatin remodeling, cancer biology, model systems)

Downey, Michael  (Protein lysine acetylation and polyphosphate biology)


Figeys, Daniel  (Proteomics, microbiome analysis)

Fullerton, Morgan  (Metabolic kinases, nutrient sensing, immunometabolism, cardiometabolic diseases)


Gadde, Suresh  (Translational nanomedicine, biomaterials)

Gentile, Francesco  (Computational drug discovery, deep learning)

Gibbings, Derrick  (Micro RNAs, autophagy, neurodegenerative disorders)

Golshani, Ashkan  (Peptite design, AI-driven drug development and protein engineering)


Harper, Mary-Ellen  (Mitochondrial bioenergetics and uncoupling, glutathione redox, diabetes, obesity, cardiomyopathies)

Hill, Jennifer - Associate member (Proteomics, cell surface proteins, biotherapeutic characterization and development)

Jahani-Asl, Arezu (Glioblastoma, Intellectual Disability, Stem Cells)

Jezierski, Anna - Associate member  (Stem cell differentiation, blood brain barrier, 3D bioprinting, engineered cell-based therapies, rare diseases)


Kaern, Mads  (Synthetic biology, gene network analysis)

Khacho, Mireille  (Mitochondrial dynamics, stem cell biology, tissue regeneration)


Lavallee-Adam, Mathieu  (Proteomics, network analysis, machine learning, bioinformatics) 

Lee, Seung-Hwan  (Immunotherapy, immunometabolism, natural killer cells, radiobiology)


McComb, Scott - Associate member  (Cancer immunotherapy discovery, high-throughput functional immune assays, CAR-T therapies, multi-specific antibodies)

Megeney, Lynn  (Cell fate control, stem cell biology)

Menzies, Keir  (NAD+ signaling and energy metabolism, mitochondria, neuromuscular diseases)

Mer, Arvind  (AI, machine learning, bioinformatics, computational biology, cancer)

Mulvihill, Erin  (Lipid metabolism, intestinal biology, diabetes, cardiovascular biology, mouse genetics)


Nemer, Mona  (Molecular cardiology, transcriptional regulation, cardiac birth defects)


Pamenter, Matthew  (Natural adaptations to hypoxia, comparative physiology, neurobiology, mitochondrial function)

Pena, Izabella  (Metabolic and mitochondrial function in epilepsies and neurodegeneration, zebrafish models)

Perkins, Theodore  (Bioinformatics, image analysis, gene regulation)


Rousseaux, Maxime W.  (Neurodegeneration, Parkinson's disease, genome engineering, mouse models) 

Rudner, Adam  (Phage biology, yeast genetics, chromosome biology)

Rudnicki, Michael  (Stem cells, myogenesis and muscle regeneration, muscular dystrophy, neuromuscular disease)

Russell, Ryan  (Autophagy, cancer biology, Crohn's disease)


St-Pierre, Julie  (Metabolomics, mitochondria, metabolic adaptations in cancer and chemotherapies) 

Shao, Xiaojian - Associate member (Bioinformatics, machine learning and deep learning, DNA methylation, single cell genomics)

Stanford, William  (Stem cells, cancer biology, epigenetic control of cell fate, regenerative medicine)

Stintzi, Alain  (Inflammatory bowel diseases, microbiome analysis, transcriptional regulation)

Stolow, Albert  (Molecular photonics)


Trinkle-Mulcahy, Laura  (Proteomics, phosphatase regulation, cell signaling, microscopy)


Vanderhyden, Barbara  (Ovarian cancer, tumour microenvironment, chromatin remodeling, therapeutics)


Wang, Lisheng  (Embryonic stem cells, cancer stem cells, cell signaling)


Xia, Xuhua  (Evolutionary molecular genetics, bioinformatics, molecular phylogenetics)