In relation to the University’s Indigenous Action Plan (PDF, 6 Mb), last year the Provost’s Office created the Provost’s Committee on Hiring Indigenous Professors as a pilot project intended to manage the hiring process for regular professors. Under this process, all preferred candidates short-listed for a position designated specifically as being for an Indigenous person will be asked to provide documentation that is reviewed by this committee.
The committee was comprised of two community-based partners from local First Nations, two Indigenous professors, a dean, the Provost, and the Provost’s Delegate on Indigenous Engagement.
As a result of last year’s processes, new language for future job postings for new faculty positions was created for positions that are restricted to Indigenous candidates and identifies the types of information required in the application package that will be used to assist the ability of hiring committees to make informed decisions. Furthermore, this language signals to candidates and hiring committees that self-identification is not enough to assert Indigeneity and that the University of Ottawa is committed to establishing a strong process that is transparent and guided by best practices when posting positions designated for Indigenous candidates.
Based on the work done during this pilot project, new posting language (see below) regarding preferential hiring has been drafted and the University will also be working through some of the steps needed to finalize an appropriate process. In doing so, members of the Indigenous community on campus will be consulted, as well as external stakeholders including the Chancellor, Claudette Commanda and Board of Governor Members, Gina Wilson and Norman Odjick, and the Indigenous Education Council.