- Identity
- Written and Oral expression
- Immersion
- Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (Learning, Teaching and Assessment – DELF/DALF)
Catherine Elena Buchanan
Assistant Director of the Official Languages and Bilingualism Institute and Language Teacher III.
2002 - MEd, Second Language Teaching, University of Ottawa;
2000 - BA, (Honours) Second Language Teaching, University of Ottawa.
Room: 70 Laurier Avenue East, Room 114
Office: 613-562-5800 ext. 3475
Work E-mail: [email protected]
Secondary Work E-mail: [email protected]

Fields of interest
Catherine Elena Buchanan has always had a passion for languages, and it was only natural that she should teach French. After completing a B.A. and an M.Ed. in Second Language Teaching at the University of Ottawa where she was hired in 2000. Since then, she has risen rapidly through the ranks, increasing her responsibilities in teaching, administration, and research. She has played a key role in the development of the French Immersion Program since its inception and continues to do so. Her research interests include academic literacies and linguistic identities. In the classroom, she makes sure to convey the rich and varied world of the Francophonie, whilst passing on her passion for French. For the past five years, she has been the right-hand woman to OLBI’s director. She has created a vision of change by inspiring all members involved. That's why she was nominated for the president’s award in leadership.
Ongoing research
- University Immersion
- Identity francophonie
- Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (Learning, Teaching and Assessment)
Courses taught
- FLS3751 FLS et l’art de s’exprimer
- FLS3581 Immersion 2 : Production orale et écrite
- GEG 2508 - Espaces sous tension
- FLS2741 Mieux lire en FLS
- FLS2521 Lire et écrire en français langue seconde
Selected publications
- Buchanan, C. E., (2014). The Influence of the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) on French as a Second Language (FSL) Teaching Methodologies in Primary and Secondary Schools in British Columbia and on the Preparation for the Diplôme d’études en langue française (DELF). Official Languages and Bilingualism Institute, 40 pages.
- Buchanan, C. E. (Winter, 2020) What are immersion students? Francophone, Francophile or “In between”? in Canadian Parents for French Magazine.
- Buchanan, C. E., Knoerr H. & Burger, S. (2020) Training Modalities for Immersion Stakeholders. In H. Knoerr, A. Weinberg & A. Gohard-Radenkovik (Eds.) Immersion at University Level Rethinking Policies, approaches and implementations (227-248). Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press.
- Weinberg, A. & Buchanan, C. E. (2020 Learning Modes and Situations in the Régime d’immersion en français: A Holistic Approach. In H. Knoerr, A. Weinberg & A. Gohard-Radenkovik (Eds.) Immersion at University Level Rethinking Policies, approaches and implementations (151-166). Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press
- Buchanan, C. E. (2018) (Re)Shaping Identities : The impact of higher education immersion on students’ sense of identity. In Knoerr, H., Weinberg, A. & Buchanan, C. E. (Eds.). Enjeux actuels de l'immersion universitaire/ Current Issues in University Immersion. (153-174). Montreal: Marquis.
- Buchanan, C. E. (2018) (Trans)former les identités : impact de l’immersion universitaire sur la construction identitaire des étudiants. Dans Knoerr, H., Weinberg, A. & Buchanan, C. E. (Eds.) Enjeux actuels de l'immersion universitaire/ Current Issues in University Immersion. (161-182). Montreal: Marquis.
- Weinberg, A. & Buchanan, C. E. (2016). Diversification des modes et lieux d’apprentissage au sein du Régime d’immersion française : une démarche holistique. In H. Knoerr, A. Weinberg & A. Gohard-Radenkovik (Eds.) L’immersion française à l’université : Politiques et pédagogies (pp. 223-245). Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press.
- Buchanan, C. E., Knoerr, H. & Burger, S. (2016). La formation des divers acteurs de l’immersion. In H. Knoerr, A. Weinberg & A. Gohard-Radenkovik (Eds.) L’immersion française à l’université : Politiques et pédagogies (pp. 335-368). Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press
- Buchanan, C.E. (2013). L'immersion universitaire en français langue seconde au Canada. In E. Yasri-Labrique, P. Gardies, & K. Djordjevic (Eds.). Didactique contrastive: questionnements et applications (pp 76-81). Montpellier, France: Éditions Cladole.
- Buchanan, C. E. (2023, June), Au-delà des étiquettes : Construction identitaire chez des étudiants d'un régime d'immersion universitaire. Communication presented at the conference: Plurilinguisme, enseignement-apprentissage, complexité et intégrité : perspectives épistémologiques, didactiques et politiques, Montpellier (France).
- Séror J. & Buchanan, C. E. (2023, May) Réflexions sur les meilleures pratiques pour soutenir le développement des littéracies universitaires. Communication presented at the conference: Formation langagière sur objectif universitaire : enjeux et défis, Congrès de l’ACFAS, Montreal (QC).
- Buchanan, C. E. (2019, November) Francophone, francophile ou «entre-deux. Paper presented at the Symposium: Immersion universitaire et son incidence sur les étudiants: états des lieux à Officiellement 50 ans ! – Officially 50 !, Gatineau, Quebec.
- Buchanan, C. E. (2017, May) The Influence of the CEFR on FSL Teaching Methodologies in Primary and Secondary Schools in BC and on the Preparation for the DELF. Paper presented at the Laurens (Larry) Vandergrift Memorial Symposium, Canadian Association of Applied Linguistics: Toronto, Ontario.
- Buchanan, C. E. (2016, July) Français langue vivante, langue vibrante, langue à découvrir. Paper presented at the Symposium: Le français pour et par la diversité et l’éducation plurilingue et interculturelle, Fédération Internationale des Professeurs de français, Liège, Belgium.
- Buchanan, C. E. (2012, November). How to Present Formal Language in Content - Writing and Speaking in French Immersion. Paper presented at the The Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition (CARLA), St Paul, MN.
- Buchanan, C.E. (2012, October). Le choc de l’immersion : « Madame, qu’est-ce qu’ils disent ? ». Paper presented at the Colloque du Réseau Latinus, University of Ottawa