This page offers you an overview of the information you need to know about your 4th year.

The 4th year program is composed of the following:

  • 18 weeks of electives – We will send you the details and procedures on how to apply for your electives in due time.
    Note that if you have not completed your community elective of 4 consecutive weeks during your 3rd year, you must complete it during your 4th year.
  • 4 weeks of mandatory selectives (2 weeks of Internal Medicine and 2 weeks of Surgery) done at The Ottawa These 4 weeks will be organized for you.
  • Medical Council of Canada (MCC): Mandatory MCQ and CDMQ practice test
  • Portfolio on core competencies: 2 meetings (one post for each meeting), and a final ePortfolio
  • Transition to Residency Sessions

During year 4, students will also have 2 weeks of vacation for the winter break and 3 weeks reserved for residency CaRMS interviews.