The purpose of this policy is to provide partial reimbursement for students who are assigned by the Faculty to sites outside the region for PSD, Community Service Learning (CSL) and community week. This policy does not, at any time, apply to electives.
Students required by the Faculty to travel outside the Ottawa-Gatineau area (outside a 25-km radius of Roger Guindon Hall) receive a travel allowance based on the location of the clinical placement.
Within two weeks of termination of the clinical placement or at the end of each term for PSD assignments, students must submit their evaluation form as proof that they have completed their placement/PSD. When this evaluation is received, the person in charge at the UGME Office arranges to have a reimbursement cheque issued. Students generally receive reimbursement within ten working days after reception of their evaluation. If their evaluation is not received within the ten working days, the Faculty reserves the right to turn down the request for reimbursement.
Whenever possible, low-cost accommodations (e.g. $125 weekly or less) are identified in locations that are situated 100 km or more from Roger Guindon Hall and accommodation expenses are reimbursed directly by the Faculty. If no accommodations have previously been identified by the Faculty, a sum of $25 per day is allowed up to a maximum of $125 weekly (weekend excluded). In this case, the travel allowance is limited to one (1) round trip per week.
Students are responsible, where applicable, for enrollment fees at another faculty of medicine or college of physicians of another province (e.g. University of Manitoba).
As for more remote sites for which travel expenses are not already subsidized by programs such as the Northern Ontario School of Medicine (NOSM) program, the Eastern Regional Medical Education Program (ERMEP), etc., expenses corresponding to the most economical means of transportation shall be reimbursed.
Students travelling to another province for a rotation or to a rural or remote community in Ontario under the auspices of the Consortium national de formation en santé (CNFS) are subject to the CNFS’ Politique de remboursement des frais de déplacement pour stages en milieu clinique [policy on reimbursement of travel expenses for clinical clerkships].
All requests for an exception to this policy must be justified in writing and approved by the Vice-Dean, UGME. In all cases, the Faculty shall reimburse the student for the least costly alternative. Consequently, it is important to make arrangements well in advance of travelling to clinical sites with the person in charge of PSD or placements at the UGME Office.
For reimbursement of student travel and/or housing expenses, please use:
Form of Request for Student’s Reimbursement
List of Travel and/or Housing Expenses
N.B.: The Faculty and the University assume no responsibility for damages to a personal vehicle used by a student for travel. Students must therefore check with their insurance company to determine whether they need to obtain additional insurance.