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Archives and special collections
The Archives and Special Collections, located on the concourse level of the Morisset building, holds archival research collections and other unique materials such as rare periodicals, manuscripts, rare books, facsimiles, artists books, and pamphlets.

Omni enables you to access the majority of the library’s resources—both electronic and physical collections

The Library gives you access to print and electronic books from the University of Ottawa and other institutions.

Data and statistics
Data and statistics provide numeric information gathered from censuses, surveys, registries and observations.

The databases provide you online access to valuable information including articles from thousands of journals, e.g. PubMed, JSTOR, SCOPUS, and much more.

Films and videos
The library has an extensive collection of 45,000 online videos and 10,000 DVDs that supports course-related instruction and informs general cultural literacy.

Geospatial data and maps
Geospatial data identifies and describes the geographic location of features and boundaries.

Government publications
The library collection includes print and electronic publications from all three levels of government in Canada, international organizations, specialized agencies and foreign governments.

The Library gives you access to thousands of print and electronic journals from the University of Ottawa and other institutions.

Theses and dissertations
The library gives you access to theses from the University of Ottawa and other institutions.

Unique collections
The University of Ottawa Library supports a variety of digital initiatives to promote access to unique collections and ensure their preservation for future generations. Our digital collections feature scholarly books, historical maps, air photos, and archived web content relating to Indigenous health and well-being.
Related links
The library provides different technology and computing-related resources.