Develop a better understanding of processes and resources when it comes to creating or making minor or major modifications to a program.

Three steps collaborative process

We propose a three-pronged collaborative process through which our analyst supports your unit in:

  • Setting out expectations through program-level learning outcomes (PLO’s).
  • Mapping these PLO’s to degree-level expectations and uOCompetencies.
  • Demonstrating program relevance regarding student demand and societal need.

Our analyst will be working in close collaboration with the designated lead person for this activity at your academic unit.

Three steps collaborative process: development of program learning outcomes, mappings and proof of demand
Three steps collaborative process figure

1. Program learning outcomes (PLO’s)

Objective: to develop PLO’s aligned with stakeholders’ expectations

To know more about Program Learning Outcomes

Series of video modules: "How to develop effective Program Learning Outcomes" (close captions in English)

2. Mappings

3. Proof of demand


As these three steps are iterative, it is recommended to allow between three to four months of active work for completion. While it’s hard to predict exactly how much time is needed, expect three or four hours per week (excluding the time for respondents to complete the surveys).