For example, in the fall Professor A teaches a course more at an introductory level (level I - Introduction) while in the winter Professor B teaches the same course more at an intermediate level (level R – Reinforcement), because the students have already had courses in the fall. So Professors A and B don't teach this course (despite the same official code) in the same way in the fall as in the winter. How do we take this difference in level into account in the questionnaire?
- Please note that a course is defined by its (course) learning outcomes the indication of the level (I, R and A) required for students to reach for each of the indicated program learning outcomes. If the course learning outcomes are not the same - because the levels are different (in autumn and winter) - one can conclude that these courses are in fact different. More precisely: between the two course instances, one would expect that there may be some different material, students may do different exercises, different activities, which should naturally lead to different assessments. Our recommendation here would be to define a new course code for the second course to be able to distinguish it from the first.
- If it is not possible to define a new course code, we suggest to enter this course twice using the "section" part to differentiate well these two courses. In this way, the coverage of the program learning outcomes by both instances is clearly defined.