COVID Smart is COVID safe.

Our approach

While most measures implemented during the COVID-19 pandemic are no longer in effect, the University of Ottawa continues to closely monitor data and guidelines provided by public health authorities.


Masking is no longer mandatory on the University campus, but some clinics and health care-related programs may still encourage, or even require, it. Masks continue to be distributed at the entrances of several buildings.


Proof of vaccination is no longer mandatory but given that vaccination is the best way to protect oneself from the effects of COVID-19 and the flu, we encourage members of our community to get the free vaccinations they’re entitled to.

If you are sick, stay home!

If you’re experiencing symptoms, stay home! Refer to the Ontario Public Health Measures and Advice to know what to do in this situation.

Incoming international travel

Incoming travellers should check the Canadian government’s travel, testing and borders information for the latest updates.

Public health information

On campus

For Ontario residents

Telehealth Ontario: 1-866-797-0000
or TTY: 1-866-797-0007

For Quebec residents

Info-Santé: 1-877-644-4545
or TTY: 1-800-361-9596