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2021 Alumni Award recipient
Jean François Ménard
BHSc (2005), MA(2017)
President and Founder – Mental Performance Expert
Kambio Performance Inc.
Jean François Ménard is the recipient of this award for his leadership in the field of performance psychology. With an exceptional career, he has worked with Cirque du Soleil performers, Olympic medalists, National Hockey League stars, surgeons, musicians, and other high performance athletes. He has made a significant impact in his field.
2021 Friend of the Faculty Award recipient
Harmonize for Speech
Harmonize for Speech has raised over 5 million dollars to date, to provide funding for many communication-related projects, including supporting speech-language pathology and audiology students at the University of Ottawa and other Canadian universities. A Barbershop quartet visits our speech language pathology and audiology program each year to entertain with their beautiful harmonies and present excellence awards to selected second-year students and textbooks to all of our first-year students – definitely a highlight of the year. Harmonize for Speech also provides bursaries to students, in our programs, who are in financial need.
Contact information
Lana Matson
Advisor, Faculty Development and Alumni Relations
[email protected]
Ouida Loeffelholz
Director, Stakeholder Engagement
Telephone: 613-404-3942
[email protected]
Christine Cléroux
Manager, Faculty Development
Telephone: 343-961-8224
[email protected]
Sophie Wauquier
Development Officer
Telephone: 613-302-7395
[email protected]