Doctoral students
Partial list of our doctoral candidates. Contact us if you would like to modify or add your biography.
Adedamola Adediji
Alemshet Addisalem
Alicia Czarnowski
Amélie Turci
Babjide Idowu
Blanche Daban
Bolanle Oyekan
Christian Mpabwa
Christiana Sagay
Clara De Chirico
Daphnée B. Ménard
Delphine Gauthier-Boiteau
Elie Klee
Emmanuel Nwatu
Gloria Mee-Rang Song
JF Hübsch
Justine Monette Tremblay
Laura Julien
Mahmoud Elberry
Marcos Freitas
Marianne Dionne
Marilyn Coupienne
Maxine Visotzky-Charlebois
Montana Cardinal
Nafise Shooshinasab
Natasha Jaczek
Okechukwu Orisakwe
Parisa Azari
Paul-David Chouinard
Salvator Havyarimana
Simon Klee
Tasha Stansbury
Tugba Basaran Akmazoglu
Valerie Costanzo
Zahra Sohrabi Abad
Zainab Lawal
Aboubacar Dakuyo (2021)
Adam Rainis Houston (2022)
Alexandre Genest (2018)
Bahati Mujinya (2024)
Courtney Doagoo (2017)
Esther Ekong (2023)
Évelyne Jean-Bouchard (2017)
Fatima Tajini (2024)
Ghazaleh Jerban (2021)
Jean-Paul Dautel (2023)
Kristen Thomasen (2022)
Melisa Handl (2023)
Michelle O’Bonsawin (2022)
Olabisi D. Akinkugbe (2018)
Siobhan Airey (2020)
Sophie de Saussure Paquette (2024)
Thomas Burelli (2019)
Postdoctoral fellows
Visit the research pages about postdoctoral fellows for Droit civil and Common Law
You can take a look at the list of professors in the section of Droit Civil or Common Law