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Thesis Advisory Committee (TAC) and Annual Research Progress Reports

Please review the requirements for Thesis Advisory Committee and Annual Progress Report submissions for Graduate studies at the Faculty of Medicine.

New TAC meeting directives 

To begin the process, you must send your proposal or summary of progress to your members by email.

Once your committee members have reviewed the document(s) you will need to hold your TAC meeting video conference.

Following your meeting you will be required to submit your signed report of the thesis advisory committee form by Service Request.

Failure to hold an annual TAC meeting or to submit either the Report of the Thesis Advisory Committee or Annual Research Progress Report will automatically result in a severe condition enrolment, preventing the student from enrolling for the next term.
If the reports are submitted after the deadline to pay tuition fees, late tuition fees will result.

Two unsatisfactory TAC meetings will result in withdrawal from the graduate program.

Frequently asked questions