DLRI Member Meet-Up
An opportunity for DLRI members to meet and exchange ideas.
Jan 17, 2024 — 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.
Join us in the New Year for our first Member Meet-Up, which will happen on campus on Wednesday, Jan. 17, at 2 p.m., in FSS 4004. Our Research Director, Christopher Gravel, will present our latest projects, and there will be additional time to discuss your research over refreshments and appetizers.

Meeting Agenda
2 p.m.: Welcome word (Felicity Tayler)
2:05 p.m.: News and updates about the Institute (Simon Beaudry)
2:20 p.m.: Presentation of current research projects and research opportunities (Christopher Gravel)
2:50 p.m.: Break
3:00 p.m.: Breakout sessions by research areas
3:45 p.m.: Conclusion of the meeting and takeaways (Felicity Tayler)
4:00 p.m.: End of the meet-up
An optional social event will follow the meet-up. Location to be confirmed.