Navraj Kaushick Awarded the Jacques Gaudreau Graduate Scholarship

By University of Ottawa

Human Rights Research and Education Centre, HRREC

Graduate studies
Navraj Kaushick Awarded the Jacques Gaudreau Graduate Scholarship
We are pleased to announce that Navraj Kaushik was awarded the Jacques Gaudreau Graduate Scholarship in International Human Rights Law for the academic year 2020-2021. This scholarship is awarded each year to an outstanding graduate student (Masters or Ph.D.) in the Faculty of Law at the University of Ottawa.

Navraj is currently pursuing his Ph.D. in law under the supervision of Associate Professor Vanessa MacDonnell who is also Co-Director of the uOttawa Public Law Centre. His research is to devise a novel democratic system for indirect plural democracies for greater participation of people, improved protection of human and minority rights and broader self-determination on all levels of the government and elections. The working title of Navraj’s research project is "Directing an Indirect Democracy: A New Constitutional and Democratic Framework for India".

The Jacques Gaudreau endowment fund was established in 1992 in memory of Jacques Gaudreau (1947-1989), an officer of the Department of External Affairs, by his friends, colleagues, and family.

Congratulations, Navraj!