The objective of French Immersion Stream is to help you become bilingual. By choosing to take some of your regular content courses, such as biology, history, and so forth, but in French, you will develop knowledge related to your field in both languages.

Courses in French

To find a course in French, add 400 to the course code. For example, if you are looking to take the French equivalent of PHI 1101 (Reasoning and Critical Thinking), add 400 and enrol in French-language course PHI 1501 (Raisonnement et pensée critique).

At uOttawa, nearly every course is offered in both French and English. These courses are bilingual equivalencies, so you may take some of your program courses in one language and some in the other while still meeting all your prerequisites. For example, if you take POL 1101 (an English course), this counts equally as the prerequisite for POL 2101 and POL 2501 (the English and French language versions of the same course—note the difference of 400 between them). This means that you may switch between English and French classes as you climb the course ladder for your program. C'est le bilinguisme, quoi!

Immersion courses

One of the greatest resources for immersion students is our unique repertoire of immersion courses, which help you develop French skills directly relevant to your discipline.

Immersion courses are a combination of two different courses: a regular content course taught in French (history, economy, etc.) and an accompanying 90-minute language course.

How to enrol in immersion courses

In order to enrol, you will need to carefully read the list of Immersion courses. Use this list to find the course code of your regular content course taught in French and its corresponding language course.

  1. Pick a course offered with an immersion option from the main list. Be sure to enrol in the correct section (for example section A, B, etc.) of the content course, because not all sections have an accompanying language course. You can find this information on the Immersion course list.
  2. Next, enrol in the accompanying language course. It, too, will have a specific section. You must enrol in the language course you are eligible for, either FLS 2581 or FLS 3581. Refer to the results of your Immersion entry test to determine which one to take.

French-as-a-second language courses (FLS)

French-as-a-second-language (FSL) courses focus on French comprehension and language use, including grammar. They give you the skills you need to successfully complete your regular content courses in French.

The following FLS courses count toward your French immersion requirements. These courses may be taken as electives for your degree.

In deciding which courses to take, refer to your results available at uOLangTest Portal (after you have done the Immersion Entry Test) or by inquiring at [email protected].

Recommended FLS courses

  • FLS2513 Grammaire française – intermédiaire
  • FLS2500 Apprendre à apprendre
  • FLS2521 Lire pour écrire en français
  • FLS2522 Écouter pour parler en français 
  • FLS2731 Compréhension de l’oral en français - avancé
  • FLS2741 Mieux lire en français 
  • FLS2751 Discutons en français
  • FLS2761 Mieux écrire en français
  • FLS2771 Grammaire française - avancé
  • FLS2772 Mieux prononcer pour mieux communiquer en français 
  • FLS2791 Enrichissement du français par l’engagement communautaire
  • FLS3751 Communication orale en contexte universitaire
  • FLS3761 Communication écrite en contexte universitaire
  • FLS3771 Grammaire des textes universitaires
  • FLS3773 Le mot juste en français
  • FLS3791 Le français sur la toile et dans les médias sociaux
  • FLS4774 Le français d'ici
  • FLS4775 Cultures francophones au Canada     
  • FLS4776 Le français langue seconde et le monde du travail
  • FLS4791 Interagir en français langue seconde avec le monde qui nous entoure : actualité, loisirs et culture